Thursday, July 18, 2024

Summer Break 2024: Week 5

We are blessed to do the Bakewell Beach Trip every summer (12 summers and counting) and it continues to be one of our favorite weeks of the year! Since we go to the same beach each year and have stayed in the same house for the last few years, the boys come to expect some of our annual favorite traditions: dinner at Inlet View and Dockside, ice cream every night after dinner, shopping for souvenirs at the local beach shops, arcade fun, putt putt with Grandpa (Daddy beat me by one stroke this year to take the win), mornings at the beach and afternoons at our private pool, a marsh walk with Grammy, Sunset Slush at the beach and seven days of uninterrupted fun with our family!

We took the Fort Fisher Ferry from Kure Beach to Southport (ate lunch at Provision Company) to enjoy the travel day as we moved along the coast from one beach house to the next. Zack got to show the boys his old stomping grounds in Oak Island (when he worked at Caswell) on the way as well!

We added a Bingo game this year which provided entertainment for all ages! Zander took home the $10 prize as the first one to get Bingo!

Until next time…..

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Summer Break 2024: Week 4

We enjoyed a week at Kure Beach with the Cantrells and Stanwoods! It was so much fun having time with our extended family. We enjoyed delicious meals, time in the water, sweet treats in the evening, a trip to the aquarium, watching soccer matches and movies as we headed toward bedtime! I love this time with our family!

I love these comparison pictures from 2013/2015 and 2024! These boys are almost as tall as me now!

In addition, the boys enjoyed a nighttime crab walk on the beach (even though mommy is quite timid around crabs) and fishing from the pier with the Cantrells, Ethyn and Kendall!

We finished out the week with a family neon miniature golf outing!

Friday, July 5, 2024

Summer Break 2024: Week 3

The Houstons enjoyed being home this week after traveling abroad! It was crazy to get into our car on Monday and travel to our destination without having to calculate travel time using public transportation (train, bus, metro, etc.)  It has taken a few days to acclimate ourselves to the time difference, wanting to go to bed really early and waking up way before needed each day! I am happy to say by today, I feel like I am starting to be back on NC time!  To fill our week at home, we enjoyed three pool days.  On Monday and Tuesday, we met up with the Williams, the Kennedys and some friends from school.  On Friday, we enjoyed a pool day at Carmen and Mia's pool with the Hills and Spotts' families joining us for a day of relaxation! I do love a good pool day!  We made sure to get Zander and Mia's annual pool picture that we have been doing since 2019!  On Wednesday, we set up a lemonade stand, collecting donations for Zander's fifth grade talent project at church and the Ronald McDonald House.  We had multiple neighbors stop by to get a cold beverage and some of our friends and family made the drive to our house for a time of socializing and enjoying the cold lemonade that Zander had prepared.  Grammy was our first customer of the day and Grandpa sent money the day before since he would be golfing during the actual hours of the lemonade stand.  The cousins stuck around and helped out.  After spending 8 days together in England, I thought they would be tired of each other but these four kids spent time together Monday through Wednesday this week and enjoyed every minute of it.  One of their favorite moments might have been the hammock time where Aunt Lindsey provided a turbulent ride as the "blue whale".  On Thursday, we enjoyed all the Fourth of July festivities our small town has to offer:  a local parade and a fireworks show!  There was a rainstorm that came through as we were getting ready to leave for the fireworks so we opted to use our sparklers at home in case the weather got worse as the evening progressed.  Grammy joined the boys and me to see a great display of patriotic pride in the form of "big boomers" as I affectionately called fireworks as a child!;)  It was a great summer break week at home!

Monday, July 1, 2024

Summer Break 2024: Week 2

Week 2 of Summer Break will probably be one of the most memorable weeks of the entire year!  The ten of us boarded a plane last Saturday with the final destination of Manchester, England!  The jet lag is real and I think all of us would agree that we were more like zombies than humans the first day as we started our adventure.  We successfully rebounded quickly and made many memories in some of England's most beautiful and historic cities!

Day 1:  Travel Day and Stockport, England 
We traveled through the night which meant little sleep on the plane and trying to grab a cat nap when possible as we moved to our hotel and explored the local town of Stockport which would be home base for the next eight days.  Stockport offers easy access to the bus and train transportation systems that allowed us to see many cities in a short amount of time. We had to deboard the plane on the tarmac which made for an interesting introduction to Manchester.  The airport had been without power just a few short hours before our arrival.  It is hard to imagine what would have happened if we had arrived a few hours sooner.   I am so very thankful for God's protection and provision on this travel day!  We toured downtown Stockport as we waited for our hotel to be available.  We got to walk through an air raid shelter which was especially interesting to my history-loving kid (Zander).

Day 2:  Bakewell, England
When your last name is Bakewell, you have to take a train and bus ride to explore this city.   Known for their Bakewell Pudding and Bakewell Tart, we tried all the yummy treats as we walked around the town.  We ate lunch at the Old Original Bakewell Pudding Shop and got to try the Bakewell Pudding Gin that dad has been telling us about for years.  It was made even more special as I was able to celebrate my 41st birthday in this town.  Zack and I even put a lock on the bridge to seal our love.... 16 years of marriage and about 20 years together.... excited to keep this streak going strong! ;)

Day 3:  Manchester, England

We took a bus and metro link ride to Manchester to see the Imperial War Museum (which was incredible) and check out the Manchester United Stadium (which was definitely a highlight of the trip).  My soccer-loving boys (i.e. football in England) loved putting their feet on the pitch, seeing the locker rooms and getting to walk around the perimeter of a stadium they see on television.  

Day 4:  Tatton Park (in Knutsford, Great Britain)
We wanted a mansion experience and this stop did not disappoint!  We toured the gardens, enjoyed a self-guided tour of the mansion and walked around a working farm.  The kids enjoyed a maze (that I was afraid we would get lost in) within the gardens, the cellars of the mansion and all the baby animals at the farm (including chicks, a calf and a kid, i.e. baby goat).  Our cell phone provider had an outage for any international travelers specifically in the European countries which caused a little challenge with navigation getting back to the train stop as I was unsure the taxi driver had received my texts and calls but after navigating those logistics, we were back on track! There was never a dull moment moving 10 people from one location to another!

Day 5:  Liverpool, England
Originally, Linds and I planned a ferry ride as a way to explore this historic city.  However, when the ferry was experiencing technical difficulties, we had to pivot and enjoyed a bus tour of the city instead.  We got to see the Beatles statue and enjoyed lunch at a local Liverpool Pub that was recommended by the bus provider.  Linds and I enjoyed coffee drinks most days as it is tough work moving our family around while planning for the timing and transportation logistics to get from one place to another.  I will always remember our late night planning sessions to ensure each day ran as smoothly as possible for this trip. :)

Day 6:  London
One of my favorite days of the trip!  Dad arranged a bus tour that hit all the highlights I would have wanted to see with only one day in this world renown city!  We checked out Big Ben, Westminster, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, Hyde Park, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Tower Bridge and even walked across the London Bridge (and it did not coming falling down;)).  Maddox was all about the food this day!  We enjoyed a delicious pizza lunch right near Buckingham Palace (Pizza Pilgrims) as we waited out the crowds who had gathered to watch the changing of the guards which happens daily between 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.  We got to see the changing of the guards from afar but I am glad we walked back to the palace for a closer look!

Day 7:  Stockport, England
After a very busy day navigating trains, the Tube and a bus system in London, we opted for a low key day to end our trip before heading home.  It was also the only day that had even slight precipitation which was crazy considering how wet you typically hear England is.  We all enjoyed a movie (Inside Out 2) at the local cinema and then the girls went for afternoon tea at the Pear Mill Vintage Tea Room.  It was so fun to have the girl time and also not have as many people to be responsible for as we took a short bus ride to this destination.  The Kennedys and Houstons finished out the day with drinks at a local pub and dinner at Zizzi while Grammy and Grandpa watched the kids... thank you for the date night!! :)  

Day 8:  Travel Back Home
The travel day took us about 22 hours of elapsed time from when we started our journey to the bus station in Stockport at 6:45 a.m. and arrived back home around 10:00 p.m. that evening.  With the five hour time difference, we were all feeling how Maddox looks in the picture below!  It was such an incredible trip with memories made among three generations in our family.  We took this trip as a "legacy trip" in remembrance of our grandparents, the original Bakewells.  Thanks to dad's planning and my parents' funding of this trip, we were able to make memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I have always valued presence over presents, and this trip was a perfect example of that!  Some of my favorite memories will be playing cards on the train rides, watching Uncle Boomer and Zander play chess, our boys playing and giggling into the late hours each night, and eating delicious food all along the way.  The company was second to none and the cities we visited will always hold a special place in my heart. 

Tapas at Berretto Lounge (one of my favorite meals) with Cherry Bakewells with the OG Bakewells ;)

Another milestone hit while I was gone... I ran at least 1000 miles during my 40th year of life.  I am clearly getting older as the calendar shows each year, but I am thankful I have the strength and dedication to continue doing something I love!