Sunday, April 28, 2013

Welcome to the Family..... Alexander Leigh Houston

We officially have a new addition in the Houston Household.  We have waited for our son to join us for a LONG time and finally the wait is over!  Alexander (calling him "Zander" for short) was born on April 21st.  Zack picked out his first name, and we are equally excited that we have a "Big Z" and "Lil Z" in our home.  Zander's middle name comes from his Aunt Lindsey whose middle name is Leigh. 

Last Saturday, April 20th, I started feeling contractions about midday.  Zack was at work, and I told him to finish his work day but that I knew this was something different.  By about 11:45 p.m. the contractions (mostly back labor) were 2 to 3 minutes apart, and I told Zack that it was time to go to the hospital.  We got to the hospital a little after 12:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and were admitted immediately with 4 cm dilation and a 90% effaced cervix. 

Not having the best pain tolerance, I asked for an epidural.  They had a difficult time finding the right spot due to the vertebrate in my back.  After about 45 minutes of searching, the doctor found a spot he thought would work.  Unfortunately, about 30 minutes later, I had to tell him that the "spot" wasn't working!  So, he tried adjusting the epidural which gave me approximately 3 hours of relaxation from the labor pains.  However, just when it came time to start the actual "pushing", I realized the epidural was no longer my "friend".  The back labor returned, and I told myself that it was time to do this without the support of the "drugs".  After about an hour and half of pushing, Zander entered our world at 10:11 a.m. 

Quickly, the doctors realized that Zander had meconium in his lungs, and they would have to evaluate him in the NICU for a few hours.  These few hours turned into a seven day stay in the NICU with antibiotics, a feeding tube, oxygen support, etc.  Each day Zander made great progress!  Last night, Zack and I were able to stay in one of the parenting rooms to practice what life would be like once Zander came home.  I am excited to report that today we were able to bring Zander to our house... Happy 1 week Birthday, Zander!  Zander has met his big brother, Burke, and taken his first nap in his crib (giving me the opportunity to type this post).  I am including a few pictures from our first week.... more to report later......

Before Picture
 First Time We Got to See Zander
 Zander and Mommy
 Family Pic
 Feeding Zander for the First Time
 Going Home :)
 Likes his Car Seat
 Meeting his Big Brother, Burke
 The Houstons

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Due Date.... TOMORROW! :)

So..... I can remember exactly how it felt on August 13, 2012 (a Monday and my first day back to work for the school year) when I looked at the home pregnancy test I took that confirmed I was in fact pregnant.  I showed the test to Zack, and immediately I was like "should I call the doctor?  What should I do?!"  Zack (being the calm, rational one in our relationship) told me to wait until the end of the week and take a second test.  If that test was also positive, I would call the doctor.  Well, as many of you know..... that second test did come back positive and we scheduled our first doctor's appointment, anxiously and excitingly awaiting the arrival of our first child.  At the appointment, we were told the due date of our son would be April 19, 2013.  Being someone with a day planner, I immediately put "Due Date" with a smiley face on that date in my calendar.  We have used this date many times when people ask "when are you due?"  It is hard to believe that that date is TOMORROW!!  It is more difficult it believe that our son has not decided to make his arrival by this date.  We are ready to meet him, and part of me just still can't grasp the fact that I have a baby growing inside of me (I know I should be able to understand this considering my expanding size and his daily movements in my belly).  It doesn't look like Baby Houston will be one of the 5% of babies that actually decide to arrive on their anticipated date.  And as much as I would love to have him in my arms, even though I hear they cry a lot and demand a ton of your attention, I know I have to be patient at this time.  Patient is something I have never been! So.... Baby Houston needs to come soon!! :)  We continue to pray for a healthy labor, delivery, baby, mommy, and daddy.  We know that Baby Houston will arrive on his birthdate just as God has planned.  So for now, we will be taking an Infant CPR class tonight, spending time with close friends tomorrow evening, seeing one of my bestest friends on Saturday (even though I think she was hoping to see a baby since she lives in Kansas and we don't get to see each other as often as we would like!), and continuing to focus on one day at a time.  One day will be THE day when we get to hold our son and hear him cry for the first time as he catches his first breath.  Until then, a few pictures for now....
August 13, 2012 - It's POSITIVE!! :)
 April 18, 2013- 39 weeks and 6 days

Saturday, April 6, 2013

38 Weeks and Counting....

Well..... we have officially reached the 38 week mark as of Friday (the 5th).  I am going to weekly doctor's appointments and feeling really good when I get to hear Baby Houston's heartbeat.  It is always reassuring to know that he is continuing to enjoy his time in mommy's belly!  Although, at this point, I would be okay with him deciding to join the world and being able to hold him in my arms.  I am getting anxious about the whole labor and delivery process, but more importantly, I am getting excited to get to see our son and hold him and watch him grow up.  I know each day is precious so I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks before our family of two becomes a family of three.  This week has been my spring break so I have enjoyed some time off from work.  What better time to take a breather than when you are 38 weeks pregnant?!  On the agenda this past week:  go shopping with Linds for her birthday (Monday) since her birthday is three days before my actual due date, spend time with the grandparents (they came down Tuesday-Wednesday), attend our final child birthing class (on Thursday), rent Red Box movies and be a lazy bum on the couch (Thursday), spend time with my parents (Friday-Saturday) for my mom's birthday, get a pedicure since I can't easily reach my toes anymore (Friday), ensure the car seat was installed properly by having the fire department check it out (Friday), and trying to get things around the house in order in case Baby Houston decides to arrive in the near future.  It has been a fun, productive, and relaxing break.  Here are some pictures from a bakery we went to called "Cake and All Things Yummy" to celebrate mom's birthday.  Maybe Baby Houston will decide to come on April 10th (my mom's actual birthday), and he can share the day with his Grammy.....