Saturday, April 6, 2013

38 Weeks and Counting....

Well..... we have officially reached the 38 week mark as of Friday (the 5th).  I am going to weekly doctor's appointments and feeling really good when I get to hear Baby Houston's heartbeat.  It is always reassuring to know that he is continuing to enjoy his time in mommy's belly!  Although, at this point, I would be okay with him deciding to join the world and being able to hold him in my arms.  I am getting anxious about the whole labor and delivery process, but more importantly, I am getting excited to get to see our son and hold him and watch him grow up.  I know each day is precious so I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks before our family of two becomes a family of three.  This week has been my spring break so I have enjoyed some time off from work.  What better time to take a breather than when you are 38 weeks pregnant?!  On the agenda this past week:  go shopping with Linds for her birthday (Monday) since her birthday is three days before my actual due date, spend time with the grandparents (they came down Tuesday-Wednesday), attend our final child birthing class (on Thursday), rent Red Box movies and be a lazy bum on the couch (Thursday), spend time with my parents (Friday-Saturday) for my mom's birthday, get a pedicure since I can't easily reach my toes anymore (Friday), ensure the car seat was installed properly by having the fire department check it out (Friday), and trying to get things around the house in order in case Baby Houston decides to arrive in the near future.  It has been a fun, productive, and relaxing break.  Here are some pictures from a bakery we went to called "Cake and All Things Yummy" to celebrate mom's birthday.  Maybe Baby Houston will decide to come on April 10th (my mom's actual birthday), and he can share the day with his Grammy.....

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