Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Nine months old!

Well... we are 3/4 of the way to Zander celebrating his FIRST birthday... I can't believe that in three short months we will have a one year old!  Where is the time going?!   Currently, Zander has four teeth (two up top and two on the bottom).  The two on top are not centered in his mouth like the two on the bottom.  They skipped a space in between where the teeth have popped through.  I typically like things symmetrical so it has been an adjustment to see his cute little smile.  He loves where his teeth are.... he can easily fit the bottom two in between where the top have come in.  Zander continues to roll and worm crawl his way from one place to another.  He will get on his hands and knees like he wants to crawl but will rock and then rest back on his belly.  He has started to stand up quite easily and hold onto things so he stays up.  We stay close by in case he wobbles and starts to fall over.  Zander continues to reach for us when he wants up.  He also has a love for Burke's dog bowls, Burke's toys, and our fireplace.  We have started using the word "no".  He will look back and smile and continue toward whatever object we don't want him near.  No matter how many toys we put in front of him, Burke's toys are just better in Zander's eyes.  It is definitely interesting to watch and can try a parent's patience. ;)  He weighs 18 pounds and 6 ounces.  He is in size 3 diapers and in 9 month clothes.  I have gotten the 12 month clothes ready as I know he will be moving into these very soon! 


 Tried to get his four teeth in the picture below.....
Grammy and Grandpa came to visit us Sunday and Monday.  While they were in town (and Zack was working), I was able to get Burke to the vet for his yearly checkup and get my car serviced.  I don't know if I mentioned this last year, but Burke had gained some weight because I was not able to run as much with him since I was pregnant.  I am pleased to report that Burke now weighs 34 pounds (compared to the 38 lbs from last year)!

Tonight, I decided to spike up Zander's hair after his bath.  Here are some pictures of his new hairdo!  Also, the daycare mentioned that Zander has started to eat Ritz crackers and vanilla wafers (I think because he watches the older kids doing it!)  So, I gave him a cracker to see what that looks like.  I hovered like a paranoid mom making sure he didn't choke on even a crumb!  He has gotten really good at eating the yogurt melts, etc.  Those dissolve so easily that I am not as terrified of him choking with them.  I think each day I will just have to become a little more confident at his ability to digest food.  My baby is growing up! ;)

We have been keeping the doctor's office in business lately.... Zander went last Tuesday and they said he had an ear infection.  I took him back on Friday because he was wheezing really badly.  The doctor said that it was part of the lingering effects of RSV.  Tomorrow, he will go back to the doctor for his 9 month checkup.  Hopefully, our boy will start to get better!  I think like most parents, we are already looking forward to spring. ;)

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