Sunday, April 24, 2016

Happy 3rd Birthday Zander!

We are so proud of all you have done this year!  You are a big boy now!  You wear big boy underwear, use SO MANY words to convey your thoughts, you can count to 12 (and then start back at 8 again).  You know almost the entire ABC song.  You know most of your colors and shapes.  You are almost able to dress yourself-shoes included.  You are an awesome big brother who shares your toys so well and wants to help Maddox if he is crying.  You wear 2T shirts and can either wear 18 months or 2T shorts/pants.  You like to say "I can't like that" for anything you don't want... especially food items!  When I asked you who your favorite people are earlier today.... you said "Maddox, Mommy and Daddy".... in that order!  I hope you are always so close to your brother.  Your favorite thing about your birthday party was your cake (according to you!)  But.... I think there were a lot of awesome things about your birthday party!  You had a Spiderman themed party and even wore your Spiderman shirt to match Daddy. You got Spiderman pjs and shoes from Grammy and Grandpa and a Spiderman helmet/knee pads/elbow pads from Aunt A and Uncle Jay!  You got a balance bike from Grannie and GranDan to go with the protective gear.  And you got a baseball mit and balls from Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Boomer... its a good thing because right now you say your favorite sport is baseball!  You also got the most adorable clothes (some to match your brother) from Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Bobby.  Granny V and PawPaw gave you some really fun construction site trucks!  You have been moving them up and down the couch all afternoon!  You are so blessed with amazing family members and friends.  Your friends, Jacob and Lydia, came from Asheville to help you celebrate!  We were even able to take some paddle boats out on the water this year since the weather was absolutely perfect for a birthday party at a park!  We are so lucky to have you in our lives and can't wait to see all the fun we will have this upcoming year!  We love you! - Love, Mommy and Daddy

Took the birthday boy out for breakfast on his actual birthday.... a mommy/son date at Chickfila before school....

Grammy and Grandpa fixed up my battery operated car and you ran it up and down their road!  This thing is 30 years old!

 We ate dinner on your actual birthday at the Loop and you wanted a chocolate cupcake!

 Lydia and Maddox meeting for the first time... oh young love! ;) haha
 Action shot of the boys.... Zander, Seph and Luke!

Grannie and Grammy working together to feed Maddox! ;)

 Trying to play "volleyball" (with a tennis ball!)
 Getting ready to go on a paddle boat!

Best friends......13 years and counting for the adults and almost 6 months and counting for the babies....

Jacob and Zander born 3 weeks apart
Lydia and Maddox born 2 weeks apart
 Hugs from Seph!
 Young love.... ;)

 Cuddles from Aunt A and Uncle Jay before they head back to Atlanta!.....

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