Friday, June 1, 2018

A Train Ride and a Graduation!

I took the boys to the NC Transportation Museum on Monday since we were off of school and work for Memorial Day.  So while daddy was working, we were able to ride on a real train and explore other modes of transportation.  It has gotten me so excited about the upcoming summer and the time I will get to spend with my boys!  The boys did great!  We were able to avoid the rainy day as much as possible since most of the exhibits were inside.  I will say one humorous thing happened toward the end.  Both boys decided they needed to poop at the exact same time!  So since both are potty-trained, we searched for the closest restroom (which fortunately had multiple stalls) and I was able to stay in the stall with Maddox while big brother took care of business right next door!  Parenting is always an adventure!

 The week has been slightly crazy.... we have five days in a row of tee ball along with a very hectic work week for mommy and daddy.  The boys had to eat dinner in the car one night..... and for those of you that know me well.... you know this was hard for me!  I occasionally let the boys have snacks in the car (ones that typically don't make a huge mess) but on this evening, I was shoving fries, chicken, fruit pouches, etc to them as they finished each item to ensure that dinner was complete by the time we got to the ball field!  Fortunately next week has a little bit lighter schedule.  Sadly, Zander's last game of the season is tomorrow.  While I will look forward to a little slower pace to my evenings, I am going to miss cheering on #21!  The highlight of this week's games was that one night while Zander was in the position of pitcher, he CAUGHT a ball that was hit!  Both sides went crazy because as you can imagine neither team had seen this happen yet in t-ball!  The batter's dad just happened to be filming his son at bat, and he was able to capture the whole thing on video! I will never forget the shocked/surprised look on Zander's face when he turned around to show the crowd that the ball was in his glove!
 Emmy watching her favorite ball player on first base!
One of the biggest milestones this week was that Zander finished Pre-K!  And while I still have a few weeks left of school and he has a few weeks left of preschool, he had his graduation this afternoon!  We had to document the occasion with lots of pictures!

 Maddox wanted to get in the picture action before school this morning!
 My Pre-K graduate!

 Zander is the second student from the left.

 I love that he looks like he is celebrating as we walks across the stage like most high school graduates would do!
Mrs. Veigh, Zander's teacher, has been simply amazing this year! He knows so much about God and the bible.  He also knows so much about reading words, writing letters, counting, etc!  I am already hoping (and praying) that Maddox can have her in two years!

Zander had some additional family members to cheer him on as well!  We are so lucky he is loved by so many! :)

Kindergarten here we come..........

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