Monday, August 6, 2018

Summer Break: Week Six

Sadly, this will be my last weekly summer break post.... I head back to work on Thursday.  We have had the best summer... as I tried to document with a ton of pictures! haha..... I can tell that it is about time for the boys to head back to school so they are able to spend time with peers their own age and maybe a little less time with their sibling...... I am using this thought to make it easier to head back to work! :)  Here is how we spent our last week of summer break.....

Last Monday, we headed to the science center with Grammy, Aunt Lindsey and Emerson.... we had a great time but Maddox has gotten so comfortable at the science center that he started to wander off from the group.....It made this mama very anxious so I am somewhat glad we might have a couple months before we have another visit there!  Maybe he will be older and wiser by then? ;)  As you can see, Emmy sometimes has a hard time keeping up with two rambunctious boys!  This picture of the three of them on the slide cracks me up!

We also celebrated Great Grandpa's 89th birthday together.  The boys loved singing "Happy Birthday" to him and helping blow out his candles!
 After dinner, we went to ChickFila to let the kids play for a bit since it was a very rainy week this past week.  As you can see, the moms were tired from a very busy day!
One of the biggest milestones this past week was moving the boys up to their next size beds!  Maddox now has ownership of the toddler bed that used to be in Zander's room and Zander inherited a twin bed from the Kennedys for him to use until we are ready for a full size bed! So far things have been going great!! One day I did catch Maddox "sneaking" back to his room as I was coming upstairs during nap time.  He had gone to play in Zander's room (since Zander doesn't nap every day) and knew he better get back in his bed before mommy saw really was hilarious!
 This past week Zack and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary.  I am so thankful to be blessed with a decade of marriage to this amazing man that leads our family.  There is no one else I would rather do life with so it was fun celebrating such a special milestone for our family!  We went out to dinner to celebrate while Grammy watched the boys.  It rained the whole time so I didn't get a picture of the two of us other than in the car on the way to dinner and when picking up dessert.  I absolutely loved my new dress that I bought for $15 from a friend's boutique so I had to post a picture of course!

I love Zack's homemade card...... this is just so "him" and that's part of what makes our marriage work! haha
On Saturday, we went to Lazy 5 Ranch with the whole family.  We had the best time feeding all the animals and the weather was perfect.... not raining but overcast! :)

 We loved seeing the kangaroos.... especially one that had a joey in her pouch!
 This camel looks like he is posing for our family picture! haha

On Sunday, we headed to Hanging Rock for a picnic lunch and hiking with our Sunday School class.  Here are a few pictures of some of the group..... Zander was there too but he was too busy playing in the waterfalls!
 Also, we have fit in some pool days, mostly inside due to the rainy weather outside.  We hope to have one more pool day before I officially start back to work this week!
Later today we are headed to see the new "Christopher Robin" (Winnie the Pooh) movie with Grammy, Grandpa, Aunt Lindsey and Emmy.  Then, I am spending the day tomorrow with my mom ..... hoping to watch some old movies with the kids!  We are definitely making the most of the last days of summer!

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