Monday, September 9, 2019

Getting Into a Routine!

I can confidently say we are into the school routine which consists of early wake up calls and long days before we crash in our beds in the evenings.  It seems like the days go by fast because they are so packed with school, after school meetings and activities and then dinner, baths and bedtime.  Here are some of the fun things we have been up to when we aren't in our normal Monday through Friday routine.  We had a three day weekend last weekend due to Labor Day.  On Saturday, we went for a nature hike where we were able to climb rocks and get our feet wet in the creek.  We also fit in an afternoon of swimming with friends and then dinner at the park with the Williams family on Sunday.  On Monday, we took a trip to the science center.  The boys are not really napping these days.  I did happen to catch one afternoon where Zander went to lay down with Maddox and rest.  Neither boy really slept but it was the cutest thing to watch on the monitor!

Last week, my school was able to celebrate that we EXCEEDED growth which is always a huge accomplishment calling for a sweet celebration!  We got to have the most delicious ice cream sandwiches from the Ice Queen Parlor!

I love when I can get pictures of my big boy in class.  My assistant principal sent this to me one day last week while Zander was working on his number line puzzle.
 On Friday, Grammy and Grandpa fit in TWO grandparent breakfasts!! Maddox had his breakfast at 7:00 a.m. and Zander's was at 7:30!  So they quickly ate breakfast at Maddox's preschool and met Zander at our school for round 2!

My grandparents are here from Florida!  We got to stop by and see them on Friday after school.  We are excited to see them more this week while they are in town!

 Daddy has been out of town since Friday and will be coming home today!  While he was away, I took the boys to a birthday party for Maddox's best friend, Mollie.  The boys had a blast with the birthday girl!  Then, we headed back home to see Granny V, PawPaw, Grannie and GranDan.  We got to play ping pong, shoot pool, water Grannie's flowers and watch a movie!  It was a fun weekend visiting some of our favorite family members!

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