Friday, April 17, 2020

Hanging at the Houston Home: Week 4

We celebrated Easter at our home to start week 4 of Hanging at the Houston Home.  While this Easter was different from any other we have ever experienced, you can't help but celebrate that we have a risen Savior!  Just to think how sad the disciples were that Friday when Jesus hung on that cross, and then to fast-forward three days to see the tomb was empty... He had overcome the grave just as He said He would!! What hope we have for our futures, knowing that God sent his Son to save us from eternal death, having the opportunity to spend eternity in heaven if we simply accept this gift and mercy. Thanks to our church, we were given multiple egg hunt opportunities in our home.  One was a virtual egg hunt where the kids found eggs hidden around our church in a picture slideshow and the second one was a picture egg hunt where five pictures from the Easter story were hidden in eggs in our yard along with about 100 additional eggs for the boys to find.  We did this on Saturday morning.  The boys loved finding all the eggs, getting the 5 pictures and putting them in sequential order while we watched a short video clip discussing the events around Easter.  The first picture discussed Palm Sunday and how people celebrated Jesus.  The second picture discussed the last supper where Jesus discussed how his body would be broken and his blood would be shed for us.  The third picture showed the soldiers coming to the Garden while Jesus prayed.  The fourth picture was the crucifixion, where Jesus took the punishment for our sins.  The final picture showed an empty tomb, proving that Jesus could conquer the grave and death!

 We took naps on Saturday (a great way to start our "stay at home" spring break)!  We woke up to find our house had been "egged".  There were eggs in our front yard.... and these had CANDY in them!! The boys were excited to hunt for more eggs and eat the yummy candy afterward.  We found out it was Maddox's friend, Mollie, who had delivered the eggs. She even wore a pretty dress in hopes of seeing Maddox..... which makes me sad we were napping! The boys had fun regardless and Maddox decided to pay it forward and "egg" his cousin, Emerson's, house on Easter morning! The boys also had fun creating their own egg hunts for each other in the house...... eggs provided hours of entertainment this weekend!
 Easter morning, we had a delicious breakfast complete with fun-fetti pancakes and hard-boiled eggs we had dyed on Friday.  There was some sausage and bacon as well!
 The Easter Bunny did deliver the baskets full of treats (even if the boys saw some of the items ahead of time).  They loved all the candy and activities within the baskets!
We had a surprise indoor egg hunt (since it was supposed to rain, the Easter Bunny put them indoors before the kids woke up that morning).  We were able to snap a few brotherly pictures while the weather cooperated!  Happy Easter from the Houston Boys!
Zander wanted me to take a picture of the image below. This is what our children's pastor uses to explain salvation to kids.  There is a connection between each finger and the path to salvation.  I wanted to include it here because I think it is concise for adults and children!
I've started my allergy shots.  I have been dealing with sinus infections since July 2019 and they believe they all relate to allergies I recently tested for..... all trees, dust mites and cockroaches!  So.... I will go weekly to get allergy shots until I get to a maintenance phase where shots will be given monthly for the next few years.  We have to wear masks and go in one at a time for these shots so you wait in your car to get a text that they are ready for you.  Then, I had to wait 30 additional minutes to make sure I didn't have an allergic reaction.  It is going to be an adventure getting this fit in with all the work and home responsibilities but mama can't take a sick day so I'm hopeful this is a permanent solution!
 We had spring break this week.... it has been glorious to focus on the boys and what would be fun for them rather than think about work and school assignments all day every day!  On Monday, we went to Salem Lake and played in the creek at mile 1. 
 These hand-holding pictures were completely unprompted and I will cherish them forever.... I will also remind the boys of these pictures if they are having a hard time getting along! haha
 We rode bikes multiple days, took Burke for walks with the boys using their scooters, learned new games like Jenga, Chinese Checkers, and Phase 10 while also bringing out old favorites like Guess Who, Candyland and Monopoly!  You can see what happens when someone doesn't win in one of the games so the excitement and expectation must be balanced out for each game played! haha

 We took daddy and his co-workers lunch one day and also played with Legos.  We have watched a couple movies (Zootopia and Inside Out) and taken a few naps!  It has been a great spring break!  Next week our oldest turns SEVEN so bring on all the quarantined birthday festivities! :)

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