Thursday, April 22, 2021

Happy Birthday Zander!


Happy 8th Birthday!! I love being your mommy! You love baseball (especially hitting, playing first base, pitcher or catcher), math (your mental math skills are quite impressive), making things out of recyclables (such as amazon boxes) and cuddling before bed.  You are such a good reader and have really embraced the last year of school in the hybrid (remote/in-person) learning model.  I cannot believe you are less than two months away from finishing 2nd grade.  I think you are ready to move to the new building where our third through fifth grade classes are, but I'm not sure I am ready for you to be so grown up.  I love the current age you are and I'm trying to soak up every late night on the ball field and every bike ride and every conversation because it seems that the days, the weeks and years are flying by now!  For your 8th birthday, we celebrated with a few friends by painting the dinosaur and having a piƱata....see the previous post for pictures!;))  On your actual birthday, mommy and daddy took time off from work since you were "working from home" for that day.  We scheduled an outdoor adventure at a local ropes course.  We quickly went through the two beginner courses and went on to tackle two of the intermediate courses.  We'll have to wait until mommy is a little more adventuresome to tackle any advanced courses.  It was fun spending time with the boy that made us parents (since you had to be 8 years old to do the course, brother stayed at his preschool for the day).   I loved watching your personality shine as you bravely entered each new obstacle while carefully and confidently maneuvering to the next platform.  We loved the ziplines and your favorite things were when you could use a glider or coast from one place to another using gravity to help! ;)  For dinner, you requested Fire and Sticks, a Japanese steakhouse.  While you only ate the chicken, your favorite part was getting the whole restaurant to sing to you and wearing a hat they gave you!  You also got your requested meals for breakfast (cinnamon rolls and sausage) and lunch (Freddy's after the ropes course).  I think it was a pretty awesome day! The weather was perfect for an outdoor adventure and we will remember the quality time we spent together for many years to come!  Enjoy being EIGHT!  Don't grow up too soon... you are at the best age right now! ;)   I love you!  Thank you for making me a mommy!


Mommy (and Daddy)

cupcakes for your classmates on the day before your birthday
Last night as a 7 yr old

Breakfast request... cinnamon rolls and sausage

SkyWild Ropes Course

Dinner at Fire and Sticks

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