Saturday, August 14, 2021

Grammy Camp!

The boys have had a great week with Grammy while I have been back at work!  They have enjoyed the science center, a few pool days, going to the library, getting lunch out, playing at the park/playground which included some tennis, and just overall being spoiled!  They have one more week with her before school starts back and I know they are enjoying every minute as the summer comes to a close!  I cannot say enough about how fortunate we are to have her.... she goes above and beyond the role of a grandparent and these boys think she is the best!  She even went on the lily pads and waterslide at the pool this week.... how many grandparents do you know that can do that?! ;)

Other events from this past week..... Linds and I ran in a monsoon last weekend... our weekly run (which hadn't happened most Saturdays this summer) was quite wet this time!  I always appreciate this time we have together to discuss the week and help think through upcoming decisions!

We moved Zander into a queen size bed... he was in a twin bed for the last few years and we knew it was time for him to have an upgrade (especially since Maddox already has a full size bed in his room).  Instead of buying a brand new bed, he has the one that previously was in the bonus room.  So.... he was able to pick out a new comforter/pillow shams (to match his baseball fan which was in the room before we moved in 13 years ago) and we now have a little reading nook in our office/bonus room.  Eventually, we will get a sofa that can fold down to a bed but until then I have enjoyed my daily quiet time in the rocking recliner I used to nurse both my babies. ;)  I think Burke likes the space for now too!  And if we have company, the boys will share a room at this time.... just like Linds and I did growing up when others would come to visit!

It is always fun to grab a sweet treat at the end of the day.... these boys (and their parents) love our local ice cream options! ;)

We camped in the backyard! We try to do this every summer and since I was heading back to work, I knew we needed to make it happen!  We had a great night and mommy is equally excited to be back in my own bed in the evenings this week! haha
I was able to grab dinner with some of my co-workers this past week..... we also ran into a few more that we used to work with.... I love living in this town and seeing people you know everywhere you go!

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