Friday, May 13, 2022

Mother's Day 2022

We had a great Mother's Day!  The weather was unseasonably cooler than any other Mother's Day I can remember so we had some afternoon rest time instead of a traditional hike or quality outdoor adventures!  We did manage to take Burke for a walk around the neighborhood while the boys threw a football back and forth to each other.  Grammy provided a yummy lunch after church and we were able to snap some pictures of the cousins.  I am always impressed that my roses in the backyard (which I got after each boy was born) and our azaleas in the front yard manage to bloom perfectly the week of Mother's Day.  It makes for some great pictures with my boys!  The highlight of the day was getting to watch the boys sing a special Mother's Day song that they had practiced while pictures of all the moms in our children's ministry were displayed on the screen.  Since I'm not a big "gift" person, the song and time with my boys was just what this mama wanted and needed for this holiday!

You can see Z waving in the back row in this picture! :)
Watching the boys walk back to Kidstreet after they finished singing was a lot of fun too! :)

Zack loves taking candid pictures.  I thought this one deserved an honorable mention since I took time to straighten my hair for the occasion! ;)
Great Grandma was definitely missed on Mother's Day.  It was the first one we spent without her.  I know she would have loved to see the boys sing on that stage if she were able to! I guess she had a better seat than we did this year. ;)

In other news.... I've been doing a lot of "mothering" lately to warrant the holiday! ;)  On a night that Zack was working late (and we didn't have baseball), Maddox decided to stand on our glass coffee table and get a few scratches on his leg.  I am so thankful it wasn't worse as the glass was very sharp and it could have required stiches.  It is healing nicely, and we have decided we will not get a coffee table in the foreseeable future, until the boys get a little bit older and can make wiser choices. ;)

We have been at the ball field every night this week.  It has been fun to cheer on both boys but my allergies have decided that I should stay indoors for awhile so I think this weekend will include some indoor activities and rest time.  The baseball schedule is pretty busy with late nights and early mornings to get back to school.  We are all tired and a bit on the struggle bus as we finish out the school year!

Zander and Maddox attended Christian's birthday party last Saturday.  The weather was perfect for a bounce house, trampoline, pizza and cupcake party!  Maddox was excited he was invited to a birthday party with big brother. ;)
Aunt Kelly came to Z's game and M's practice on Tuesday night!  It was great to catch up on wedding plans as well... October will be here soon!

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