Saturday, August 3, 2024

Grannie Camp AND Grammy Camp!

I went back to work as soon as we returned from our beach trip!  It is a short summer as our school calendar has been adjusted to finish the year by Memorial Day in 2025!  I know I will love this new schedule but the short summer made it hard to get back into the work routine.  Thanks to Grannie and Grammy, the boys have been having a blast while I have been back at work the last two weeks!  They spent the first week with Grannie:  doing chores, playing at the lake, going to VBS each night and catching squirrels to relocate.  I got to see my best friend, Ginny, and celebrate her 40th birthday when I got to town to pick up the boys after their adventures with Grannie.  Grammy has been entertaining the boys this past week and has one more week with the Houston boys until school starts back on August 12th.  Their favorite things this week were watching the Olympics and pretending like they were Olympians at the YMCA pool with swimming races.  They also fit in some sweet treats thanks to Grammy and Grandpa's spoiling!

Zander officially moved up to our church youth group this past week! He said goodbye to KidStreet and did an object lesson using headphones in his last children's service.  The 5th graders were able to lead the worship music and the parents enjoyed cheering them on from our seats.  So long children's ministry, hello youth group!

While the boys were being entertained by their grandparents, we enjoyed a movie date to see "Twisters", dinner at J Peppers and celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary at Fratellis!  The lobster appetizer was amazing.  My salmon on a pasta cake was one of the best meals I've ever eaten.  The company was by far my favorite! We loved getting to catch up over dinner and are hoping to have more date nights in the near future!  Cheers to 16 years of marriage! ;)  We have been so blessed this past year and look forward to what the next year has in store for our family!

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