Friday, July 15, 2022

Summer Break 2022: Week Four

Week four was perfect!!  We fit in two pool days!  Mommy had a girls' getaway for 24 hours, and the boys and I went to a new children's museum in town.  It was the perfect balance of time for "self care" along with time with my boys!  

My best friend, Ginny, lives in Kansas which means we get to see each other once a year when she comes home to NC!  She mentioned a few months ago the idea of going to see The Chicks in Raleigh!  Ginny and Natalie offered to pick me up on the way and I was able to have 24 hours of uninterrupted time with the girls.  We tailgated a bit before the concert, enjoyed old favorites and some new tunes and finished out the trip with brunch the next morning!  It was so much fun and I loved having the opportunity to catch up with the girls!

Grammy entertained the boys while I was gone... the first afternoon they went to the pool and the following morning they enjoyed being outside around our neighborhood, testing out the new playground equipment again!
On Thursday we met up with the Kennedys and Williams family for a pool day! The boys love pool days and find a way to entertain themselves for hours!  I took the opportunity to play in the pool with my niece and nephew!  I love these kiddos so much!
Today we went to a new children's museum with the boys' friend, Sebastian.  Mrs. Choplin, his mom, happens to be Maddox's kindergarten teacher so Maddox was pretty excited to see one of his favorite people as well.  It was a great day for the moms and the boys!  We also saw Zander's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Noell, who was there with her grandkids.  I thought it was neat that we saw both their K teachers on the same day!  I can't thank both of them enough for the strong foundation they established for their educational careers!

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