Saturday, April 10, 2021

Spring Break: Part Two

After our mountain adventure, we returned home on Monday and daddy had to go to work the rest of the week.  That meant that I got some uninterrupted time with my boys.  On Tuesday, we went to the science center and out to lunch at Freddy's afterwards.  We fit in a couple doctor appointments (allergy shots and blood work) for mommy before and after this outing which meant we were having fun and mommy was being productive.  

On Wednesday, we made the trip back home to see family and friends.  The boys always love going to see Granny V, Paw Paw, Grannie and GranDan!  They are quite spoiled in the time we are able to spend with them.  While also back home, we saw Ashley Greene and her three boys.  I met Ashley as a fourth grader and then both our families moved to different locations within the same general mountain area (one county over).  We met back up in college and were college roommates our senior year!  It is crazy to me how life works and friendships formed all those years ago continue to go strong.  I am blessed with such an incredible friend group.... no matter the distance or time apart (due to a pandemic this past year).....we pick right back up where we left off.  Talking to her was so good for me and I already look forward to the next opportunity where we can get our boys together!  I also saw two of my best friends' moms when I pulled up at the park to meet Ashley.  It made my heart so happy to see people that helped shape my childhood and that have loved me as their own all these years.  I even snapped a picture with the next generation of kids that have come from that friend group!
On Thursday night, I was able to go out with my former co-workers/ close friends to celebrate Wanda and Anna's birthdays.  We opted for an outdoor park venue and stayed until after dark catching up!  Time with them is always time well spent.... I cherish our get-togethers!
On Friday, I took the boys to the lake that Linds and I have circled around too many times to count over the years. They made it the whole seven miles riding their bikes while I ran with them.  It was a fun adventure thanks to the beautiful weather we have had over spring break!
Today, we celebrated Grammy's birthday.  We truly would be lost without all of her help and guidance.  One day doesn't seem like enough time to celebrate someone who does so much for us and models unconditional love in so many ways.  Linds and I are looking forward to treating her to a night away, just us girls, in June so stay tuned for pictures. ;)  Since we had all the kids in tow today, Grammy requested a park birthday celebration complete with Jersey Mike's subs, chips and cupcakes!  We enjoyed watching the kids play with each other.  I loved seeing Eli in a shirt both my boys have worn.... I had to do the comparison collage to document it ;)  

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