Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Countdown to Christmas Break!

We have been busy counting down to our Christmas break! We had dress up days each day, parties in the boys' classrooms, visits with family members back home, making gingerbread homes and spending time with Grammy while mommy had to fit in a few workdays!  Here are some pictures from a busy couple weeks!
Grammy and I got to help in both the boys' classroom parties.  I helped Kristen, Mollie's mommy, with the party in our 1st graders' classroom.  For Zander's party, I helped run a station that Mrs. Flowers had set up for them to participate in.  We had caroling in the cafeteria one day at lunch.  I loved how Zander and Emerson joined in since they share a lunch time! The Grinch even made an appearance during our lunchtime one day!  The kids got to go on a field trip to our local high school's winter play (Charlie Brown Christmas).  I was at a district meeting but Kristen snapped a picture with our M & M!  We had a winter market through student council.  Zander was such a huge help in his leadership role, getting all the items to replace our inventory.  I sent candy grams from our winter market to all three of my little ducklings. ;) 
This picture cracks me up!  Maddox was sharing some of his stuffed animals for Zack and I to cuddle with.  Burke looks like one of the stuffed animals here.
We made our way back home last weekend to see Zack's side of the family.  Fun was had by all as we celebrated with the Cantrells, Grannie, GranDan, Aunt A, Uncle Jay, Henry, PawPaw, Granny V, Uncle Grant and Sib.

We made gingerbread houses when we returned this week.  Zander had won a gingerbread home kit because of being the fastest through a ninja warrior obstacle course at Awana.  We had fun but let's just say, I don't know if gingerbread house making and decorating will become a yearly tradition! haha
Grammy entertained the boys as I went into work for a workday this week.  As of tomorrow, I am officially on Christmas break!
I got together with some of my friends for our yearly Christmas celebration.  We ate a delicious meal, enjoyed each other's company in our matching shirts from last year and exchanged gifts.  They dared me to bring out the sorority pose in this picture.... it cracks me up every time! ;)

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