Sunday, August 11, 2024

Meet Beau

After 10 months of grieving the loss of our "first born" pup, Burke, we felt like we were ready to bring a new four-legged companion into our home.  We decided to adopt a little bit older beagle this time instead of starting at the puppy stage.  Our newest family member had a rough start: found in a drainage ditch covered with fleas, parasites and heartworms.  When we met him, we just knew he was meant to be ours.  He even tried to leave with us when we did the "meet and greet".  His tail constantly wags with an optimism and resilience that is so much fun to watch.  Daddy was able to pick him up on Saturday (since he was about 2 hours away from us and the boys had already gone with us to make the 4 hour drive the previous weekend to meet him) after he finished his overnight heartworm treatment at the vet.  We need to keep him pretty sedentary for the next couple months until he is completely better but we are looking forward to many walks and outdoor adventures in his future.  Without further ado..... meet Beau Gill Houston.  While we don't know the exact date he entered this world two years ago, we will always celebrate the day Beau entered ours... 8-3-24. :)

The boys had one more week with Grammy and Grandpa before school started back.  They enjoyed disc golf, the driving range, some Olympics watching, a morning without power (due to Hurricane Debby) and had some time with their cousins at the end of the week!
We officially have a middle schooler!  Orientation was this past week and I think Zander is ready to start his new adventure on Monday!
Maddox was able to meet his 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Servello!  I think both boys are going to have an incredible year with amazing teachers!
Carmen and I matched for Open House! (and we didn't even plan it!)
We finished out summer break with a trip to the Wyndham with Grammy and Grandpa!  While daddy was driving to get Beau, we were able to watch many golfers on the course and enjoy putt-putt and ping pong as entertainment between watching the players.

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