Sunday, April 28, 2013

Welcome to the Family..... Alexander Leigh Houston

We officially have a new addition in the Houston Household.  We have waited for our son to join us for a LONG time and finally the wait is over!  Alexander (calling him "Zander" for short) was born on April 21st.  Zack picked out his first name, and we are equally excited that we have a "Big Z" and "Lil Z" in our home.  Zander's middle name comes from his Aunt Lindsey whose middle name is Leigh. 

Last Saturday, April 20th, I started feeling contractions about midday.  Zack was at work, and I told him to finish his work day but that I knew this was something different.  By about 11:45 p.m. the contractions (mostly back labor) were 2 to 3 minutes apart, and I told Zack that it was time to go to the hospital.  We got to the hospital a little after 12:00 a.m. on Sunday morning and were admitted immediately with 4 cm dilation and a 90% effaced cervix. 

Not having the best pain tolerance, I asked for an epidural.  They had a difficult time finding the right spot due to the vertebrate in my back.  After about 45 minutes of searching, the doctor found a spot he thought would work.  Unfortunately, about 30 minutes later, I had to tell him that the "spot" wasn't working!  So, he tried adjusting the epidural which gave me approximately 3 hours of relaxation from the labor pains.  However, just when it came time to start the actual "pushing", I realized the epidural was no longer my "friend".  The back labor returned, and I told myself that it was time to do this without the support of the "drugs".  After about an hour and half of pushing, Zander entered our world at 10:11 a.m. 

Quickly, the doctors realized that Zander had meconium in his lungs, and they would have to evaluate him in the NICU for a few hours.  These few hours turned into a seven day stay in the NICU with antibiotics, a feeding tube, oxygen support, etc.  Each day Zander made great progress!  Last night, Zack and I were able to stay in one of the parenting rooms to practice what life would be like once Zander came home.  I am excited to report that today we were able to bring Zander to our house... Happy 1 week Birthday, Zander!  Zander has met his big brother, Burke, and taken his first nap in his crib (giving me the opportunity to type this post).  I am including a few pictures from our first week.... more to report later......

Before Picture
 First Time We Got to See Zander
 Zander and Mommy
 Family Pic
 Feeding Zander for the First Time
 Going Home :)
 Likes his Car Seat
 Meeting his Big Brother, Burke
 The Houstons


  1. Ahhhh!!! Love this post and can't WAIT to see more pictures and hear more updates. Hugs and kisses to your sweet new family of 3! (Well, 4!)

  2. I love the update and the pictures! Can't wait to meet Zander!

  3. Oh he is just so perfect!!! We love him so much!!!

  4. Tears of joy for you! Burke is such a great big brother already! :)

  5. Love you all! He is gorgeous!!! Trip soon!!!

  6. So excited to hear the story and see all of the pictures (even though I've been regularly following your mom's pics on Facebook too:)). Love you guys so much and can't wait to meet him in a month or so!!
