Monday, June 10, 2013

Zander's Smile :)

This week has been so much fun with Zander.  He is getting such a personality.  I love when he smiles at me and tries to carry on a conversation with his "cooing" noises.  For the first six weeks, I started to question how people have more than one child.  With the lack of sleep and lack of understanding what Zander was needing from me, I thought I was not going to make it!  But, with the slightest smile from my little man, I can see why people have more than one child!  Hopefully, Zander will have a sibling one day.:) That day will probably be years in the future because being a mama is still a ton of work!  Here are some pictures from our week....
I went on my first run since December.... 3 miles and it kicked my butt!
 Ginny came to meet Zander! :)  She is due in November so in this picture she is holding two kids!;)
 He looks so peaceful sleeping!.... I learned this week that you should never wake a sleeping makes for a tough afternoon!
 Here is one of those smiles I was talking about!
 And, this is a picture from week 3 that I think is just too adorable not to include in this post!
Alexander Leigh is truly loved from the bottom of my heart! Each day gets better as I am starting to become more confident at being his mama!  It will be so hard to go back to work in August..... I am not going to think about that now!;)


  1. You're doing such an awesome job, mama, and it only keeps getting better and better, I promise! :) And by the way, you look FAB!! xo!

  2. I am so glad we got to meet Zander last weekend! You are such an amazing Mom already and he is a lucky little boy :)
