Monday, April 29, 2019

Our Week in Review

Just a quick "catch up" post to share what we have been up to lately! :) 
1.) We have spent most of our time watching our favorite little league player on the ball field. In the picture below he is playing first base.  I think he either loves that position or pitcher.  He had some pretty great hits each time he was up to bat as well.  It is "coach pitch" which helps!  We had three games last week.  Tonight we had a practice and we will have three games again this week.  I'm supposed to help run the concession stand for Sundays' games so that will make five days at the little league complex this week!  It is so much fun being a "baseball mom" (I even bought a shirt that I plan to rock at some of the games)! We are a little tired by the weekends though..... it is difficult to fit in dinner, baths and homework which makes for late bedtimes for all of us! 
 2.)  Daddy had to work all last weekend (as in the boys didn't see him on Saturday or Sunday).  We missed him so much!  They loved helping him park the truck in the garage one day last week.  As Grannie reminded me, it won't be long until they are driving themselves!  I am going to hope that time slows down before that. ;)
 3.) I took cupcakes to school to celebrate our six year old!! Note to self:  next time stay away from blue frosting!  The kids had it everywhere!! Also, a must when you are in kindergarten is having a ring on top of the cupcake!  Zander picked out the colors of the frosting and the sports-themed rings on top!
 4.)  Zander had a field trip this past week.  Grammy went as a chaperone since I had a meeting at central office.  I'm so thankful for all the pictures she sent that day.  It felt like I was there as well!
 5.)  Maddox turned 3.5 years old this past week.  I love his sweet smile and the way he greets me when he wakes up in the morning.  Since he is wearing underwear to bed at night, he loves getting up extra early to say he needs to use the bathroom..... usually he doesn't go back to bed so I enjoy a little extra time with my youngest boy!  He also loves following his big brother around, racing cars down a track, scooting around on his balance bike and cuddles before bed!  Before I leave his room (after reading books, saying prayers and singing songs) he will sweetly say "cuddle first".... and, of course, I'm not leaving if that is requested!
 6.)  While daddy was working all weekend..... we helped at our school's "campus clean up" event, attended a birthday party for a friend, had a picnic dinner in a downtown park (where we were able to feed fish and climb rocks), went to church, had our Sunday school cookout and egg hunt and went back to church for Puggles and Sparks!  It was a great weekend, but like I said above, we missed daddy!

 Finally, wrapping up this post, we have already knocked out Monday of a new week.  Zander helped me give blood today through the Red Cross :)  and got some of his homework done before ball practice.  As I mentioned above, we are at the ball field four more days this week so until I write again, just picture me cheering on #21 and chasing around our 3.5 year old!  Its busy but I know I will miss every bit of this when they are all grown up!

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