Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Little Slower Pace!

After the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, I enjoy the laid-back slower pace of January.  Typically, we don't have any major plans on the weekends in January since sports haven't started yet for the spring and we were blessed to see family and friends over the holidays.  The Houston Household has enjoyed spending time together with our little family of four.  Here is what we have been up to since my last post.....
I took both boys to the dentist for their semi-annual checkup.  Both boys had X-rays and both boys had a great checkup!! They really were model patients, and I am happy to report that their teeth are doing great... no cavities!  I only snapped a picture of Maddox with his sunglasses on but both boys rocked the shades for their appointments!
 The boys took the Christmas money they got from GranDan and purchased haulers for their hot wheels cars.  I am thankful the store had two of the exact same truck so there was no discussion about the purchase.  The boys were so excited to hand the cashier their money and put the change in their wallets!

 We were able to go to the science center with daddy on the Saturday before school started back after the Christmas break.  This is always one of our favorite places!
Our oldest got another "Bow Tie Award" for his positive behavior.... this time for helping clean up trash in the cafeteria without being asked!
We saw a double rainbow on our way home one day last week.… the kids were so excited about it.  We have been talking about the story of Noah in Jr. Cubbies on Sunday nights so Maddox was extra excited since we had just discussed God's promises to us and how he is faithful and keeps his promises.  This rainbow is a reminder of that!
We had "Dress Like a Friend" day at school.... I love matching the two people in this picture.... they are two of my favorites that I'm blessed to see at school every day!
 Zander had a school dance last night.  I love the friendships he is making at school.  It is so much fun to watch these friendships develop since I get to see him occasionally during the school day.

 Zander finished out the week with a Taekwondo exhibition.  We got to watch him show off his moves today at their studio and he even got to break a board!! Maddox and his friend, Peyton, watched their older siblings... looking forward to the day they will join them at our elementary school.... it will be here before we know it!  The school provided Taekwondo to the students after school for this week so Z enjoyed practicing his new moves and showing us what he learned.

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