Thursday, May 7, 2020

Hanging at the Houston Home: Week 7

Still at home.... the governor will be lifting the "stay at home" order after tomorrow and we will be entering Phase 1 of businesses, etc. reopening.  It will be a slow process and we have already been told that we will not be returning to school until August.  So the boys and I are counting down the weeks until we are officially on summer break, hoping we can still make our scheduled beach trip over the summer since the boys rarely leave the neighborhood at this point (other than for an occasional happy meal from McDonalds)!  Here is what we have been up to in between school work, mommy's job responsibilities and parenting two busy boys!
Zander saved up and bought a tablet.  He has been asking for one for years and I have always said he wasn't old enough.  He asked if he could save up and buy one..... and that is what he did! He used his saved allowance money, cashed in buttons from his button bank (for good behavior) and used his birthday money from family members to make this big purchase!  Due to the way shipping is delayed at this point, our big boy had to be extra patient to wait for its arrival!  It came about a week after his birthday and he has been doing a great job abiding by the daily limits we have set.  He will always give it over quickly which I said will be used to consider adding to the time limit in the future.  He is one happy seven year old!
These three pictures below are what happens when the four year old gets mommy's phone while she is working.  I came back to over 100 pictures on my phone.... the next three pictures were some of my favorites.... his discovery of flipping the screen to take a "selfie" and his detailed picture of the boys' shoes lined up under the baker's rack! haha

 Daddy got us a new hammock! Our previous one had been used for the last 12 years and was no longer functional.  We have gotten a lot of use out of this new one already.... definitely a good investment when we are stuck in our homes and the weather is so nice!
 The boys love exploring at our neighborhood schools and the fields they have.  We will play soccer, volleyball, basketball, hopscotch, "run" the track, ride bikes, etc. using these spaces that are not occupied by students right now!  Daddy also gave the boys a summer cut on Saturday!
 We had the Kennedys and Bakewells over for our weekly dinner.  This week Grammy brought stuff for s'mores and the cousins enjoyed the fire that Daddy/Uncle Zack built for them.  I am loving time with the ones I love the most!  Its definitely a highlight of our week!

Zack bought me two rose bushes after the boys were born.... one for each of my boys!  I love the flowers from these bushes!

 We got a splash pad for the backyard! The boys enjoyed the 80 degree weather on Sunday by cooling off and spraying each other with water guns! Mommy joined in on the fun on Monday afternoon after work and school..... they got me soaked!  The boys loved it!
The picture below is how I feel most days when I am in my meetings.  I have two to three meetings a day and it never fails that my boys like to "join" in.  Thank goodness I work with a staff that loves kids because there is never a dull moment at the Houston Household especially when mommy is trying to work!
 My cousin posted this collage of my Grandpa Woody who passed away in 1992.  His birthday was on May 5th!  I had been thinking about him a lot that day and loved seeing Casey's post that evening!
 When did Maddox get so big?!?!  I snapped this picture yesterday and I was overwhelmed with the feeling that I no longer have a baby in the house!! It is hard to notice how big he is getting in the day to day but when you step back and look at him.... I can't believe he is halfway to five years old.... a whole hand!!!
Zander's teacher gave him a "Flat Mrs. P" based on the book "Flat Stanley" to take with us on outings.  We took her to go "bird watching" yesterday! haha
Today, Linds and I busted out an 8 mile run pushing this cutie in the jogging stroller!  Basically, I knew I wouldn't be able to run this weekend and suggested that we try to run when we could arrange for childcare..... this is the first (and maybe the only) time we have been able to meet up during the week to run during this e-learning/ working from home experience.  I am so proud of us for fitting this in within a very busy daily schedule!!  I'm so blessed to get to run with my sister each week..... I look forward to getting a little exercise and a lot of talking/listening in!  I continue to feel so blessed that my family lives so close and I can see them as often as I do!

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