Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Hanging at the Houston Home: Week 8 (Mother's Day)

Each week we are attempting to meet up with Sarah, Luke and Laurel to go bike riding and exploring the outdoors from a responsible distance.  We have successfully done this twice now and Linds and her kiddos were able to join the second time.  We have decided to schedule this each week as a time for the moms to catch up and the kids to get some energy out while also socializing from a far!

 I went into work last Friday to help hand out teacher appreciation gifts (through an organized drive thru out front).  I love the new bag each staff member received where all of their favorite goodies were placed inside!  We have the best PTA!
Grammy helped with the boys while mommy was at work.  The boys made me adorable Mother's Day cards while Grammy was with them!  These will be cherished forever (in print and now on this blog!)

On Saturday, we met up with the Stanwoods, Grannie and GranDan about halfway between where we live and Atlanta.  I needed to pass along some clothes that Maddox had outgrown and Henry now was ready to wear!  Since we haven't seen Henry since Christmas, it has been hard to get him the clothes he needs.  We loved having the opportunity/excuse to see our nephew as well!! It made for a fun outing!  Since we were actually dressed for the day (only my third time in jeans since 03/13), I had Zack snap a quick "Mother's Day photo" since it was Mother's Day weekend! ;)
We ate a picnic lunch, played for a bit and fed the ducks and geese with the goldfish I had packed for snacking! ;)

Mother's Day always has me reflecting on my ability to be a mother to two sweet, spunky, energetic, non-stop, full throttle boys!  I really loved this quote below that I saw earlier. This current situation with working a full-time job from home while also being responsible for teaching my boys their daily lessons and parenting them throughout the process has been the most challenging experience.  I know any parent who is in the same predicament where their spouse is still blessed to go to work (thankful for Zack's job, for sure!) understands the constant struggle of feeling outnumbered, overwhelmed and unable to multi-task to the degree that is expected at this moment in time.  I needed the reminder that even though this current situation is a struggle, each day I get back up with a renewed optimism to handle the day's tasks makes me a successful mother to these boys.
 Here are the boys who made me a mama on Mother's Day!
 We were in our church's slideshow for the Mother's Day children's program!
 We had Grammy, Grandpa and the Kennedys over for dinner on Mother's Day.  We ate lasagna, salad, and oreo dessert! Grammy got a picture with all four grandkids.... and they all seem to be looking at the's a Mother's Day miracle!  Linds and I opted for comfy clothes, hence why you won't see us in any of the pictures! haha
 I'm back at work a couple mornings a week (thanks to Grammy watching the boys)!  This week the boys have helped me get bags from local grocery stores to pack up student belongings and I've been at school helping teachers with getting their rooms ready for summer!  It is crazy to think this is how we are ending the school year.  Zander has about two more weeks of 1st grade and then the boys will be on summer break!! I have a few more weeks to work after that, and then it looks like mommy will have 5 weeks off with my boys until I'm back at work again, getting ready for the 2020-2021 school year.  We are so hopeful that during that time off, we can go to the beach! Maddox asks every night when we are going to the beach! Fortunately, we have everything booked for while I'm on summer break.  We are just waiting to ensure everything is open and we are able to get into the rental house! ;)

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