Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hanging at the Houston Home: Week 12

We are counting down until the official start of summer...... I can tell we are getting closer each day as more things are checked off the to-do list at work and I'm enjoying more time with my boys, taking less time away from them in the evening and weekends as the workload is starting to slow down.  Last weekend, we went back home to visit family for the day.  I had to document that I actually got ready with "real"clothes and makeup!  We got to see Granny V, Paw Paw and Uncle Grant on our way into town.  We had a delicious lunch and the boys enjoyed going for a ride around the driveway with Uncle Grant, playing pool and ping pong!  
We were able to take a picture in front of the mountain where we got engaged 13 years ago!  I absolutely love the mountains.... it will always be my happy place!
We got to see Grannie and GranDan for the afternoon and dinner! Maddox loved playing with Ruby and the boys had fun watering Grannie's flowers and playing corn hole in the car port!

On Tuesday, I had the boys, which meant that I worked from home....somehow fitting in a full day's work either while they were awake or after they went to bed!  After having Grammy the last week and a half while I worked at school, it was a great opportunity to spend time with my boys and enjoy a leisurely start to the day rather than rushing out the door!  I took them bike riding at Triad Park.  We found a fawn while we were walking/riding.  It couldn't have been more than a few days old and it was hiding in the grass.  The boys were so concerned about it and even watched as it walked to another location before finally making its way back to the woods where we hope it met up with his/her mama.  They were mowing that day at the park so I'm glad the baby deer was not out in the open during the mowing or when it got hot later that day!  By the way, we almost came home with a baby deer if it hadn't moved from its first location because I was worried sick about it!  Tuesday afternoon we got to swim in our neighbor's pool!! The boys are doing a great job remembering how to swim from last summer! I was worried they might take a step backward since last year but I think they are jumping right in (literally and figuratively)!  No pictures were taken due to the fact that mommy (and Grammy) were in the water having boys swim and jump to them the whole time!  I did sit on a pool raft for approximately 5-10 minutes which was heavenly! ;) 
A lot of people have been completing home improvement projects while they have been home during this quarantine experience.  Since Zack is still working many hours (typically over his normal hours) and I'm trying to balance working from home, homeschooling and parenting all wrapped into one, we haven't found the time to complete any projects!  Our faucet in the kids' bathroom wouldn't stop running water on Tuesday so Zack came home from work that evening to fix it himself! I am so thankful for my handy man!  I mentioned it might be time to replace the only other faucet in our house that is still the original from when it was built in 1997 which means we might be doing little projects around the house after all!  Here is a before/after picture of the faucet he replaced on Tuesday!
Another thing that has been neglected this year due to lack of time is our garden.  Typically we enjoy tomatoes, squash, zucchini, corn, peppers, etc. but haven't had the time to get our garden ready this year.  Thanks to Grammy's help on Wednesday, the boys and Grammy worked like crazy to clear out the vegetable boxes so they are ready for planting new seeds sometime in the future, this year or next! haha

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