Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Soccer, Sparks and T & T

Every weekend, you will find us on the soccer field cheering on two very energetic, very talented soccer stars!  The boys are loving soccer so much!  There has even been talk of walking away from baseball to pursue soccer in the fall AND spring!  I have told them I would like one more year of baseball before we rule it out! haha  We have the best fans at the games with Grammy, Grandpa, Grannie, GranDan, Aunt Lindsey, Emerson, Eli and Aunt Kelly cheering on the boys!  We have a few weeks left of the soccer season and I know the boys will be sad when it's over!

We've also been staying pretty busy with school and church.  The boys are active on Sunday mornings, helping as ushers, chair stackers, leading in prayer or leading the song motions.  They love being involved!  On Sunday evenings, we head to church for AWANA.  Maddox and I are in Sparks this year and Zack and Zander are in T & T (Truth and Training).  We love watching the boys play the games, listen to our weekly lesson and practice memorizing scripture verses.  Throughout the week, we are preparing for Sunday night by looking up verses and understanding their meaning while also memorizing God's word.   Zander made a big decision on September 27th.  While we were reading his T & T book and looking up scriptures, he got very emotional.  He wanted me to know that his name is in the Book of Life and that he had faith that he accepted Christ as his Savior when he was five years old.  It was such an incredible time as a mom to hear Zander's testimony and his heart for Jesus.  He decided he wanted to follow in baptism as a public display of his personal decision.  I am so excited to be part of his spiritual journey.  What a blessing to plant and water the seeds that lead to your child's salvation.  
Maddox was our guest reader on Sunday night for school... he was so proud of how hard he worked to read the story!
Maddox is equally excited about Halloween.  Each day I think he decides he wants to wear something different for the festive holiday! haha  He has a few options he is going through.... this week it is Cat Boy (which ironically he wore that costume last year)!  Stay tuned... ;)
We went to our local pumpkin patch to get the pumpkin we will carve for Halloween..... the boys cooperated for a couple pictures in exchange for grabbing a big pumpkin!

Maddox got his first "PACE" aware at school for "cooperation".  I am so proud of how hard he is working and how much he is learning!  I had a parent conference with his teacher yesterday and she mentioned he is in her above grade level group and is learning words, sounds and math concepts so quickly!  I love this smiley boy!
I also love my first born so much too! He loves rocking a mask every day (especially the free ones they hand out at school... haha)!  He is improving so much in his reading abilities, learning his multiplication facts and overall just showing genuine concern and kindness toward others..... I got very lucky with this one and his brother too! ;)
Speaking of these two.... they enjoyed taking selfies with the filters that Aunt Kelly had on her camera at lunch after soccer a couple weeks ago! 
Also, my Gators beat Angie's Volunteers again this year, continuing the tradition of her having to wear a Gator jersey for the day!  Ironically, this was college jersey day so I know she just "loved" wearing the blue and orange! haha
As another update, someone stole mine and my sister's catalytic converters while we were running a week ago!  It caused a good deal of damage and a few days of phone calls to navigate insurance, a rental car, repairs and a police report, but I think we are on the other side of a challenging situation.  We are very thankful we are safe.  I know my parents didn't enjoy a phone call that Saturday morning before 9:00 a.m. saying someone had "tampered" with our cars!  We know it could have been worse so we are thankful that it was a relatively quick fix! :)

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