Saturday, April 9, 2022

Back to Baseball!

The boys started out with baseball as their first organized sport they ever played years ago and are back at it for the spring season.  While the t-ball games are long gone, these boys are still enjoying being on the field with Z playing kid pitch (minors) this year and M playing machine pitch!  The weather has been a little wet this week which made for some rescheduled games, etc.  Zander was able to play one game this week (mommy forgot to actually take pictures while we are at the game) where he was walked during one of his at-bats and he struck out on his second time up to the plate.  He had some good plays in the infield and while he says he believes this is his last season playing baseball (to focus more on soccer), he is enjoying the time with his teammates!

Maddox had two games this week and had singles or doubles with RBIs at each of his times up to bat!  He also tried playing catcher for the first time (even after never practicing this position) and had a great play as "pitcher" to get the runner out at home with a quick pass to the catcher behind the plate!  He is loving every minute of this season and might hold onto baseball a little while longer.... which mommy secretly hopes he will! ;)  One of Maddox's best friends from school came to watch him play last night which was so sweet that Austin wanted to come out and encourage his friend! I love the friendships these boys are making at church, at school and on the ballfield!    
When #10 is not on the ballfield, he is helping daddy with yardwork.  He loves helping daddy plant the flowers, move the mulch and pretty much any activity he can do that keeps him outside!
We had our Sunday school class's Easter egg hunt this past Sunday.  After two years of no egg hunts due to Covid, it felt great to experience some normalcy and watch kids (young and older) run around scooping up eggs filled with candy!
We lost power on Tuesday night due to an accident that happened down the street from us.  We took it as an opportunity to get a few extra cuddles and enjoy time together as a family by candlelight.  I will admit that while I won't want the power to go out on a regular basis, it was nice having a few moments with my boys without the obligations of schoolwork, housework or technology distractions!

I helped coordinate a field day for kindergartners who had won an incentive for collecting the most money for LLS.  It was so fun getting to check in on Maddox throughout the morning, another perk of mommy working at the same school! ;)

Mrs. Mize is one of our school counselors! I love how she loves on our kids and helped me implement this field day.... it was definitely a team effort to wrangle approximately 125 kindergartners and 30 student council members that were facilitating each station!  (As you can see, I needed a megaphone! haha)
On Thursday night, we had our annual Leap into Kindergarten event to welcome our rising kindergartners to our school.  We provided each child with a bookbag and filled it up with school supplies as they moved between each station where they were also able to meet our kindergarten teachers!  This year, Emerson was able to participate.  Eli enjoyed the stations as well and is equally optimistic about joining Aunt Megan in the near future!  Until then, I can't wait to have Emmy walking the halls of our school in a few short months!
After a very busy week, we are officially on spring break!  Stay tuned for all our fun adventures.....

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