Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Final Field Trip and AWANA Awards Night!

This month has been so much fun and so hard in so many ways.  It has been filled with soccer, baseball, church, friends, family and school!  It is also the countdown of Zander's elementary years... soon he will be in middle school and the youth group so I'm trying to savor the final elementary experiences with him along with the final celebrations within the children's ministry at our church.  I was able to attend Zander's final field trip of elementary school to Camp Raven Knob.  As you can see, it was wet!!  We persevered and Zander said we "saved the best for last".  It was his favorite field trip and he told me he was so thankful I was able to go with him!  I'm holding onto this when the time comes that he is "too cool" to hang out with his mama.  The field trip featured team building, creek wading, keychain making, rock climbing, archery and boating.  It will definitely be a day I will never forget with my first born!

We celebrated the boys' accomplishments with our AWANA Awards Night last Sunday.  Maddox got the Sparky Award for finishing all three Sparks books, and this boy also impressed us by requesting and finishing three extra credit books full of memory verses!  Zander received the Timothy Award, the highest achievement within the AWANA program.  He memorized verses contained within four books and has even finished a fifth book, working toward the middle school goal!  Zander has such a great "guy" friend group that encouraged and challenged each other to reach this goal.  It is rare for even one student to receive this award and within Zander's class there were five boys that met this goal.  I am so incredibly proud of both boys and equally thankful for the friendships they are building that will support and strengthen them as they get older.  Also, I am thankful for each leader that has invested time to work with our boys to memorize these verses. 

2 Timothy 2:15:  Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
Time flies.... this was from 5 years ago after Maddox finished his first year in AWANA!
Zander continues to show maturity by offering to help with additional chores.  He has added mowing the lawn to his list of weekly tasks, making life easier for mommy and daddy. ;)  I still supervise this activity at this point and on Friday a rain storm came through and soaked him as he was in the middle of mowing the front yard! haha

On Saturday, we explored Triad Park for a bit.  Since we have been reading books about September 11th, the boys were excited to see part of the South Tower is included in the monuments displayed at the Field of Honor.

I was matching one of my friends and Zander's fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Flowers, for the second day of field day!
Maddox continues to impress us on the ball field, hitting multiple in the park home runs and making key plays in the field!  This boy loves any sport he plays!

We celebrated the rest of the April birthdays finally!  Zander requested Fire and Sticks and Aunt Lindsey obliged!  We all had a blast eating delicious food!

These fifth graders (and Luke) are enjoying their last days together before heading off to different middle schools!  I think they will miss the afternoons they get to hang out with each other! 

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