Sunday, June 9, 2024

Last Day of School 2024!

We made it!  Zander has officially finished elementary school and Maddox is headed off to 3rd grade!  We will enjoy a summer first before thinking about this! Mama might not be ready!  Enjoy the "last day of school" pictures.... these boys are growing up fast!

I decided to wear the same dress I wore for Z's first day of kindergarten and his last day of fifth grade! He grew a little bit in those six years! ;)
When I complete the 5th grade graduation post, keep in mind, I will be looking at him and remembering these pictures and wondering how it all went by so fast!  The days are long but those years are really short!
First day of Kindergarten.... a friend snapped a picture of him reading the note in his lunchbox..... I can't believe he won't be eating lunch in this same cafeteria anymore. 

We fit in some last week of school fun as well.  I got to grab dinner with my friends.
I enjoyed a final lunch with my fifth grader, a 5th grade pizza party, a 2nd grade ice cream social and a staff vs. 5th grade kickball game.... the staff won! ;)
We celebrated Maddox's honor roll for the year at the awards day and went out to breakfast two mornings that week (ChickFila and Waffle House).  Since I won't be taking Z to school next year, we wanted to enjoy these mornings together.  Check out Maddox's summer bucket list items... we will be knocking them all out this summer... stay tuned...
Grabbed pictures with all of Zander's teachers from Kindergarten through 5th Grade.  Mrs. Noell, Zander's kindergarten teacher, is retired but her assistant, Mrs. Clinard, is still there!

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