Friday, March 8, 2013

In like a Lion....... Out like a Lamb

A phrase I always remember from when I was a child is March comes "in like a lion and out like a lamb".  Usually, they are speaking about the weather but I am thinking that this year it has to do with the preparations and celebrations for Baby Houston's arrival.  I have been blessed to have two baby showers since the month of March began.  My sister hosted one last weekend at her house, and my school threw me a shower yesterday afternoon.  I am so humbled by their generosity and how so many teachers and other staff members stayed after school to celebrate this new adventure I am about to begin.  As you can see from the decorations and food, they went all out!!  I think that at this point, we are ready for Baby Houston (at least with all the shower presents we received).  We got a Diaper Genie and Jump n Jive so bring on the dirty diapers and lets get Baby Houston mobile from the beginning! :)  We also got some of the cutest clothes, cups, bowls, utensils, towels, washcloths, etc.  My principal's mom made Thunderbolt a handmade quilt.This kid is SPOILED already!

Anna made a diaper cake!

Kari made these beautiful cupcakes and cake.  She is the same person who made the reveal cake back in November.

All the yummy food...... can you tell I am pregnant?! I had to take a picture of the food!

The invitations :)

My principal, Mrs. Warren

Some of the staff members

Opening some gifts :)

I am officially at 34 weeks!  That means 6 weeks until the due date! People have been coming up to me and saying.... "I had my child at 35 weeks" or "I had my child at 40 weeks and 6 days"...... so I am starting to wrap my mind around the fact that it might happen sooner or it might be a little later.  I think in the next couple weeks, we will start to pack a bag for the hospital (just in case) and install the car seat. 

Tomorrow, I am throwing one of my very best friends a baby shower! I can't wait to celebrate with her! I will post some pictures of the two pregos afterwards. 

Next week, Zack and I start childbirth classes.  They last for four weeks.  It will be interesting to see how many people in our class on the first night have their babies before the final night of class.  Will it be us?!..... We will see........

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all of your shower stories and seeing the gifts for Thunderbolt! What a blessed little boy already :) Can't wait to hear how childbirth classes go!! Love you guys :)
