Saturday, March 23, 2013

Something Funny! :)

I am officially at 36 weeks and feeling Baby Houston daily as he kicks, punches, and simply moves around in an area that probably appears to be getting smaller by the moment as he continues to grow.  This week has been a hard week as I have been in charge of testing at my school and on my feet A LOT!  I am hoping to take some time off my feet on Sunday afternoon after church. :)  And.... spring break is just around the corner!  Just for comic relief..... I am including pictures from 18 weeks pregnant and 36 weeks pregnant..... wearing essentially the same outfit.  Try not to laugh! ;)  I think my favorite part about these pictures is that I actually thought I looked pregnant at 18 weeks and had no idea how big I could get (or can continue to grow!).

A few funny stories from kids this week.....
1.)  A student in a kindergarten class looked at my belly and then at my feet and asked, "Mrs. Houston, how do you put on your shoes?"
2.)  Another kindergarten student asked, "When is your baby coming out?"  I replied, "Sometime in April".  She followed it up by saying, "Let's take him out now". 
3.)  Another student was walking to his bus as he touches my belly and states, "He still hasn't come out yet!"

I can't wait to see what Thunderbolt has to say.... I have a feeling that he will entertain me daily with his thoughts and comments as the students at my school do. :) 

Today I was able to go to a 4th birthday party for one of my best friend's sons.  It was so adorable to see all the young children who were so inquisitive at the science center.  There were animals to touch and everyone was so well behaved!  I also had a baby shower hosted by some amazing ladies from our church.  It was so much fun to spend the afternoon with them and hear stories about when their children were young or things I should be prepared for as Baby Houston arrives.  I appreciate all their advice and their love and support as we are starting this new family dynamic.  Here are a few pictures from the shower! I can't wait to look at all the gifts again and find a special place for each one in Thunderbolt's nursery. :)
The Food! :)  Everything tasted AMAZING!!
An adorable outfit!
A clothesline full of advice and encouragement for the Houstons
Some of the ladies! :)
Bri, one of the hosts and one of my closest friends!
Pate decided he wanted to look like me after the shower ended..... this just makes me LAUGH! :)

Zack also celebrated his 31st birthday yesterday.  We were able to eat dinner at Don Juan's with some friends and eat a Coldstone cake with cake batter ice cream in the center.  We enjoyed the last birthday for the Houstons before Thunderbolt arrives.  We were able to catch some of the basketball games and play Ultimate Uno!


  1. So excited for you, friend! It is getting close! Hey, can you have him this week so that I can just swing by on the way home and see him? :) love ya!

  2. You look great!!! The last few weeks are the most uncomfortable, you can do it though!!! Yay for Ultimate Uno!!!
