Saturday, July 5, 2014

Summer Break: Week 1

Zander and I had a wonderful first week together!  We packed so many fun things into our week that I will show you what we did through pictures.... enjoy!

We have been able to make some tasty meals this week by using some of the vegetables from our garden.  We have zucchini, squash, and tomatoes coming up like crazy!  We are still waiting to pick our cucumbers and corn.  Zander loves helping daddy in the garden. ;)

On Monday, we were able to visit one of my friends from high school and her two kids at a splash pad! It was so much fun and FREE! Zander had a blast and it was so great catching up with a good friend!

On Tuesday, I met one of my co-workers at the Children's Museum so her THREE kids and my ONE kiddo could hang out for the day!  Anna and I share an office and I am truly blessed by her friendship.  She is an amazing mother and I can't believe all she is able to do with all three of her little ones!  Zander loved each room in the Children's Museum.  We will definitely be returning..... daddy wants to go next time!

On Wednesday, we went to one of my best friend's pools.  She works at an apartment complex and said we could come visit anytime.  We took her up on the offer and tested out Zander's new float.  He did a great job.  However, he loves staying in mommy's arms more than floating in his new toy.  He even went under a few times from the side of the pool like we practiced at swim lessons in January. 


On Thursday, we checked out music and movement at the local library.  Zander observed more than participated but he loved the props that each child was able to use.  He would wave the scarves and shake the egg noise makers as much as he could. 

 On Friday, we celebrated the 4th of July.  We missed out on fireworks last year with our two month old so I was ready to introduce Zander to some patriotism in the form of "big boomers" (this is what I called fireworks as a kid!)  Before going to see the fireworks, we went swimming at a co-worker's pool.  It felt like the perfect thing to do on this holiday.  Zack was able to play corn hole while I splashed around in the water with Z.  Then, we grilled out with my best friend, Kelly.  She went with us to the fireworks, and Zander sat comfortably in her arms or in my arms for the entire show.  He was amazed at each firework and made it to see the finale.  We loved how he would clap after some of the fireworks when he heard others clap or cheer.  He even slept in until 7:30 (rather than the typical 6:30 a.m.) since he had a much later bedtime last night.  Overall, the week was a complete success!!  I have loved spending time with my little one and making friends with other moms and their kids wherever we go! 

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