Thursday, September 13, 2018

The New Normal

We are now a few weeks into school and I am starting to get used to the "new normal", which means that I have a sidekick that rides with me all the way to school and home from school every day.  Of course, we also drop off a cute almost three year old at his preschool and pick him up before heading home.  I am starting to get used to this new arrangement.  Drop off and pick up at the preschool definitely runs smoother because we are only stopping in one classroom which means I'm not flying into work at the last moment!  I really enjoy the extra time I have with Zander too.  There is a certain bump on the way to school that bounces our car at just the right angle to get the sweetest five year old giggles from the backseat!  Some mornings we even read his library book before he leaves my room to head to his classroom.  The afternoons are the part that have taken some adjustment for me and my kindergartner.  Some days Zander is absolutely wonderful.  He will come in my room, eat a snack and start working on "morestarfall" on my iPad or "writing" me a note or playing Connect 4 by himself.  I have to lead meetings for about 40 minutes after school every day so he is typically pretty patient with me and pretty independent.  These days are glorious!  Then, there are other days where I have to stay an additional hour or hour and a half after these meetings where my five year old gets restless.  I've tried to keep him entertained and sometimes staff and other students help me in this endeavor.  Sometimes this goes really well also.  However, there are other days where there are tears because he is tired and wants to go home.  Or he keeps bouncing a basketball while I'm trying to concentrate on getting one more item checked off the endless to-do list.  Or he apparently was running in the hallway and ran into the corner of something and comes to me with a goose egg!  I have to remember he has been in school for approximately 10 days and we both are getting used to the "new normal".  Overall, I love having him with me whether I'm there my regular working hours or a couple additional hours due to the workload.  I'm praying this time will be enjoyable for him and beneficial for me so our evenings can be all about time spent with family... prayers are appreciated!  
And now to pictures from our last couple weeks....

Maddox had a grandparents' breakfast at his preschool one morning... Grammy and Grandpa got to go with him!
Zander ran a "fun run" to raise money for our school.  All the grandparents contributed to his laps meaning new technology for our school and he ran all thirty five laps.... I definitely have a new running partner!
We went to one of Maddox's best friend's birthday parties this past weekend.... Mollie had a princess (and superhero) themed third birthday party complete with visits from Anna and Elsa!  My superhero boys loved seeing the birthday girl and the princesses! 
Ms. Anna helps with Zander and Mia, Zander's friend and classmate, while the mommies work!
Three teachers' kids entertaining themselves while the mommies are busy working!
One more Eat Out for Education with my cute boys!  We love Mexican food!

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