Saturday, September 22, 2018

While daddy was away.... we played!

So rewind to about a week and a half ago..... our area looked to be in the direct line of Hurricane Florence ..... which meant schools were closed Thursday and Friday in anticipation of the high winds and tons of rain that was to be dumped in our area.  Fortunately, the hurricane wasn't as bad as predicted for our area.  However, the counties closer to the ocean suffered major flooding and will take months to recover from... we are very thankful we were spared any major issues and pray for those impacted by this severe weather.  I was able to spend extra time with my boys (the first picture shows the actual weather we had during one of our days off).  The second picture does show that due to some winds, we lost a limb which took out a portion of our fence.  Zack was able to repair it pretty quickly though!

We had friends/family over Friday night since all of our regularly scheduled plans were postponed or canceled due to the impending weather.  We feasted on pizza and cookies!  Emmy was ready for hanging out with some rowdy boys.... she knows how her cousins can be! ;)
Then, daddy left us for a week of training.... and it was the longest week ever! haha...... I had the boys five full days and nights!  I typically do all of the morning routines and most of the evening routines even when he is home due to his work schedule, but he is always in charge of bath or shower time!  I greatly missed this moment of time where he is getting the boys all cleaned up and I am cleaning up the downstairs and getting everything ready for the next day!  We were so excited when he returned Friday evening!  Since daddy was away, we ate out every night this past week.... which doesn't typically happen (it is usually easier and more cost-effective to eat at the house... but mommy didn't want to do the set up and clean up so we opted for fast food options most nights).  Fortunately, my school had an eat out night where a portion of the proceeds go to our school and we got to celebrate grandpa and great grandma's birthday on another night!  I sent daddy pictures each night from our dinner festivities!

Today we got to celebrate great grandma's birthday by taking her out for breakfast!  Zander said it was his favorite part of today when we were talking before bed.  He said "I loved great grandma's birthday party" (which happened to be our family of four and Grandma Nancy at a local restaurant)!

 After Great Grandma's birthday breakfast, I headed to Charlotte for a bridal shower for one of Zack's best friend's fiance!  He stopped by at the end so I had to snap a picture to send to Zack to make him jealous, of course. ;)

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