Saturday, July 13, 2019

Summer Break 2019: Week Three!

We had a pretty laid back week!  I have been recovering from some sort of head cold so it felt great to have a little extra relaxation built into our week of fun!! On Monday, we went to the lake with the Williams family again!  The boys loved having their hair spiky so the next day Maddox requested it when he woke up! He is such a cutie!!  I cleaned the house Monday afternoon while both boys rested.
 On Tuesday, we went to see Great Grandma and take her to visit Great Grandpa.  We also went to play at the park and pick out some library books at our local library.  I went to church on Tuesday night to help set up for bible school which is next week.  On Wednesday, we went to the movies with Emerson.  We were able to take advantage of a $1 movie theater that was playing "How to Train  Your Dragon: Hidden World".  We bought a large popcorn that had one free refill so we ate our weight in popcorn and enjoyed the comfy recliner seats!  We ate lunch at Chickfila afterwards.

 On Thursday, we went back to the library and the park.  While we were at the park, the boys wanted to bring tennis rackets.  Of course, the only ones I had were mine and Zack's from high school so they haven't been used in awhile! Check out Zander's hands and face after playing tennis for a bit! haha  It looks like I might need to re-wrap the handle on my racket!  We also fit in bike rides that morning!

Thursday afternoon, we went with Grammy and Grandpa to see Toy Story 4 in the theaters!! Two movies in one week!! We are feeling pretty special!
 On Friday, we went to Mia's house to swim at her neighborhood pool.  Maddox decided to try swimming without his puddle jumper and didn't look back! I think we have another swimmer in our house! He is so fearless!  I continue to pray for safety for the kiddos around water as they are discovering their abilities and limitations.  After naps, we went for scooter rides and took Burke for a walk!
 Today, we went to the science center with the White family!! The boys loved spending time with Seph and Sophie!! We had a great day, and I am happy to report that my boys took a nap!  I got to fit one in too!  Daddy has been hard at work in the yard while we have relaxed this afternoon.  He has been so busy at work this week and he helped take care of Grannie who had knee replacement surgery on Wednesday.  Fortunately, Grannie is home recovering and Daddy got to enjoy a day with our crazy crew at the science center! :)

Grandpa and Grammy dropped off rackets for the kids to use when we go to the tennis courts in the future.  It cracks me up that Zander fell asleep with his during nap time today! haha

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