Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Spending Time with Grandparents!

Growing up, I always thought it was super cool that I had three sets of grandparents!  It made for extra spoiling and extra time with family as we got together to celebrate birthdays and holidays.  One of my grandfather's passed away when I was in fourth grade and my second grandfather passed away in December.  I think it is still pretty incredible that I have three living grandmas and one living grandpa that I get to see and spend time with.... they still spoil me rotten and I enjoy the time we get to spend together!  I am so thankful that my boys are blessed to have three sets of grandparents as well.  I love that we can see these family members throughout the year and the boys can experience the spoiling and time with family that I cherished growing up.  The boys have been able to spend time with three of their grandparents in the last week.  First, Grammy spent some time with both boys at the science center.  She had Zander for a couple workdays while I had to work but he was out of school.  Maddox was feeling left out so she planned a special day for the two of them to go to the science center.  I loved getting pictures of him soaking up the day as the only grand kid!  Now that Linds has two kids of her own, Maddox doesn't often have one on one time with his grandparents so this day made him feel extra special!  

Zack was out of town for work last week so we enjoyed eating dinner out with Aunt Lindsey, Emerson and Eli.  I introduced Emerson to her first ice cream cone.... can you tell she was excited?! ;)  I am loving time together for the cousins as well!  It was always a treat when we got together with our cousins growing up!
We were excited when daddy returned from his work trip! We went out to dinner after picking him up from the airport.  This evening also marked 15 years since our first date! We had to document how life has changed since that first date.... time sure does fly when you are having fun!  I knew he was someone special on that first date.... I just had no idea how blessed our lives would be 15 years later because of that date! ;)
Grannie came on Saturday to go to the science center with us and enjoy some bike riding!  The new tigers were at the science center and Maddox wanted to show his brother the new Harley Davidson room as well!  Grannie got to see Maddox successfully ride a two-wheel bike as well!  He has been working on it for a little while.... but lacked the perseverance to keep peddling.  He definitely had the balance down due to his balance bike.  On Saturday, Maddox decided he was big enough to keep on going so we officially have another bike rider at our house!

The weather has been so beautiful that we were able to ride bikes on Saturday and Sunday!! We are ready for spring!
 I love seeing Maddox at church on Sunday nights.  I am blessed to get to work with approximately 16 three and four year olds in the Jr. Cubbies AWANA program.  I love watching him sing the songs in our "big group" time and play games!  We are still working on him sitting quietly for mommy's lesson.  He feels he should be able to sit on my lap and talk throughout the lesson like when we have conversations at home when reading books! haha

On Sunday night (after AWANAs), we got to watch part of the Super Bowl at Grammy and Grandpa's.  The boys loved cheering for Grandpa's team and sitting with him to watch the game.  Emerson even joined in by watching the football game too (although she preferred coloring)!

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