Sunday, October 25, 2020

Family Photos!

We always hear about Friday night lights and football games but when your son plays fall baseball, it seems there are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday night lights which also make for amazing sunsets provided straight by God!  Here is a picture from a game this week where Zander was covering first base.  He is practicing his stretch prior to the inning starting! haha
Maddox enjoys cheering on his brother and playing with all the other kids who have siblings playing fall ball!
We are still moving along with remote learning.  We found out this week that we are delayed with the kids returning back to school due to a rise in Covid-19 cases in our area.  So it looks like the current school set up will continue into the future.  We had all the staff kids trick or treat through the halls of our school this week.  They had a blast.  You will see Zander on the phone Mia is holding.  He threw up on the way to school, causing us to participate via FaceTime.  Zander was devastated but he is feeling better so that is a good thing! Burke enjoyed the extra cuddles and likes the days we can work from home.  We found out that his cancer has spread past where the tumor was removed and should be talking to an oncologist soon regarding treatment options.  I enjoy the days I get a little extra time with our first born pup!  The boys at school also enjoy playing outside in the afternoon while the moms continue to work.  I took my laptop outside to supervise their baseball game while knocking out work!
Maddox got to bring Mr. Lion home from school.  His teacher sends home the lion with each family over the weekend and we get to document Mr. Lion's adventures.  Maddox loved having Mr. Lion, completing the lion puzzle that came in the bag and taking Mr. Lion with us to find the perfect pumpkin to carve!
The boys love the water bottle holders that Grannie gave them for their bikes! The weather was perfect on Saturday for a bike ride while I took Burke for a little walk.  We also went shopping with some of Maddox's birthday money.  He got a Nerf bow set.  We also celebrated 5 days (all week) of smiley faces for our almost 5 year old!  He picked Boo Batter (cake batter with black food coloring) ice cream with gummy bears!  

This past Monday we took family pictures for the first time.... ever!  The last time the Bakewells had pictures taken professionally was at Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Boomer's wedding...prior to any of the children being born.  It was so much fun to document this time for our family.... we loved seeing the cousins play around between pictures and I am so impressed that my friend, Jordan, was able to capture such great pictures with our busy crew!  She sent us a "sneak peek" of the pictures she has edited so far.... enjoy some pictures of our family!

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