Monday, October 26, 2020

Happy 5th Birthday Maddox!

 Our MadMan Maddox,

We love you so very much! I cannot believe you are a whole hand this year! How did this happen?!  I was looking back at pictures from your birthdays over the years and it seems like these first five years just flew by!  You are the most generous person I know.  For example, yesterday you got birthday money and immediately offered to share it with your brother.  You do the same thing with any new toy or game you receive.  You willingly share with anyone.  You have a smile that lights up a room.  This year you had your two front teeth extracted and I worried that I wouldn't see the smile that I had fallen in love with over these past five years... but sure enough, it is still there and still as cute as ever!  This smile allows you to get away with a lot and probably helps you avoid some warranted punishments.  Right after you turned four, you mastered riding your bike with two pedals.  You have always tried to be a big kid like your big brother.  You have enjoyed school and started PreK this year.  You know your letters and numbers and have started to associate letter sounds with letters and counting objects as well.... the other day you counted to at least 40 by yourself!  You have the sweetest voice when you say your prayers and when you sing songs at bedtime.  I love hearing you sing "Our God is so Great!" and "God is so Good".  You remind me to be thankful for the little things and continue to have such an optimistic personality no matter the circumstances (which lately included your first ER visit for a scratched cornea and your two front teeth extraction).  Due to Covid-19, we weren't able to have a birthday party at Jump n Fun like you wanted.  However, you quickly embraced our new plan to celebrate five years of Maddox! We went for a weekend to Brevard and you loved hiking mountains and finding all the local waterfalls.  It wasn't the birthday we originally planned for this milestone year but you absolutely loved our plan B!  You got so excited when people would wish you a "happy birthday" on the trails (since you were wearing a "birthday boy" shirt all weekend).  You love bedtime cuddles and love to get up extra early to start each day (by 5:30 a.m. every morning).  You still love Hot Wheels Cars and Mario Kart.... pretty much anything that has wheels immediately gets your attention.  You started baseball this year for the first time and did an awesome job hitting from the coach and playing the various positions in the field.  You love playing any sport- your favorites right now are baseball, football and soccer.  You also love swimming in the summertime.  I love how much you love the little swinging at the playground or going for a bike ride around our neighborhood!  You give the best hugs and have the best laugh! I pray your sweet spirit will continue as you get older and you will never be too old for mommy's cuddles and hugs. Hope you enjoy year #5.... the best is yet to come my sweet boy!

With all my love,


2019- year #4

2018- year #3

2017- year #2

2016- year #1

2015- your BIRTH year

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