Tuesday, May 21, 2013

1 month old already!

I can't believe at this time last month I was in labor and about to have Zander (I am typing this at 10:00 a.m. and he was born 11 minutes later!).  Where has the time gone?!  We are starting to get into a routine (if you could call it that!), and Zander and I are trying to take daily outings.  We might visit Target, get gas, stop at the bank, visit daddy for lunch, etc.  I am finding that we both like being out and about.  It is also helping me to plan ahead to make sure I have everything needed in the diaper bag.  I think I am getting quicker with the whole "leaving the house" process.  If it is nice weather, the four of us (mommy, daddy, Zander, and Burke) try to fit a walk in after daddy gets off work.  If he works late, Aunt Lindsey has been coming by to help get the rest of us out of the house!  As you can tell, I am someone that can't sit still for long so these little trips are really helping my sanity.  Tonight I am going to see a movie with my sister.  I have been pumping bottles so Zack can feed Zander while we are gone.  This will be an interesting evening but I think the sooner we do it the better.  And Zack suggested it which was incredibly sweet!  I think it will be great for the boys to have some time at the house together.  We are seeing The Great Gatsby (since this is a movie Zack didn't necessarily want to see).  Zack and I are saving Iron Man 3 and Star Trek until we can see these together.  :)  Here are a few pictures to celebrate Zander's 1 month milestone!

A special thanks to Auntie A for making these onesies for each month of Zander's first year!

1 comment:

  1. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about him that favors Lindsey as a baby.
