Thursday, May 30, 2013

A Day in the Life of Zander Houston

Now that Zander is almost 6 weeks old, we are starting to get into a routine.  I wish the routine included a little more sleep at night but I am blessed to get about 3 hours at a time between feedings in the night.  Some nights are better than others.  For example, last night he was up every other hour.  When you factor in the feeding time and diaper changing time, it doesn't give mommy a lot of sleep time in the nights. ;) I have started to attempt to take naps during the day which is helping.  However, I have found that I am not very good at taking naps when it is light outside so I am still working to get more than a few minutes here or there while Zander is napping.  We start out the day with a feeding and getting dressed.  Here are some pictures from one of our mornings....
  Bath Time
So Fresh and So Clean....
 Then, about 15 minutes after the above picture, he threw up everywhere!  Mainly on mommy, but you can see his outfit is no longer fresh or clean! :/
After getting dressed and eating "breakfast", we decide to go for a walk.  We have a half mile loop around our house so I take Burke and Zander around the neighborhood three times (1.5 miles!)..... I am not yet up to the marathon training from the past but we enjoy the morning stroll!  Then, it is time to eat again.  After eating, Zander usually takes a nap which lasts a couple hours.  (see below)  While Zander is sleeping, I usually try to do laundry, clean up around the house, and possibly fit in a shower.

In the afternoon, we try some tummy time and time on his back using his rainforest.  Zander loves looking at the lights and kicking objects he can reach with his feet.  He can hold up his head while on his stomach for a little bit, and I have memorized the entire "soundtrack" that the rainforest plays while he is hanging out under there.

We continue to enjoy the afternoon with more "snacks" and mommy and Zander cuddle time.  However, if it is a really fussy day, Zander spends some time in his swing (which he absolutely loves!).  As you can see, he just stares at the moon and star mobile that is above his head. 

In the evenings, we wait for daddy to come home.  Burke usually waits by the front window anxiously looking for daddy's car to pull up.  As you can see below, the boys are getting along nicely!   
I have discovered that I am somone that needs to see people or just get out of the house almost daily.  So we plan to hang out with family or friends in the evenings, or Zander and I will take a trip to Target or the bank or the grocery store, etc.  Tonight we are planning on going over to the Whites for some yummy "surf and turf"..... we can't wait! :)


  1. I love these Zander updates! What a handsome little man. We hope to see you soon - would love to take a trip up your way when it's convenient for you and Zack.

    Much love!

  2. We love when you come to the Whites, all 4 of you! Sadie, just like the rest of us Whites, loved you guys. :) Looking forward to our next Houston hangout.
