Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Zander's First "Big Boy" Bath

Zander is now two and a half weeks old.... where is the time going?! We have decided to participate in our church's baby dedication service on Mother's Day this upcoming weekend.  It will be really special to have all the family in town for this occasion.  I can't believe I will be celebrating my first Mother's Day as a mom!  We have had a wonderful week at home with Zander.  Zack has been back at work but I have been blessed to have my mom and Zack's mom each come for about a week to help out around the house and of course love on our new little one.  They have made it easier to take a shower and take a "breather" every now and then.  Zander is sleeping for about 2 and half hours at a time through the night so I have been getting about 2 hours of sleep in between feedings.  I know it could be a lot worse so I am thankful our little one is sleeping some at night.  I told Zack that I can't wait for the time when he goes four hours and I only have to wake up once or twice in the night to feed him..... hopefully I will be able to include this in a post sometime soon! ;)  Zander had his two week check up on Monday and everything is looking good..... he even gained another 2 ounces since the week before and a whole inch in length! His next appointment will be at the two month mark which will include shots.  We are hopeful with all the poking and proding they did in the NICU that the shots will be no big deal for our tough little guy.  This week, we have had friends visit and meet Zander. We also tried to give him his first "big boy" bath.  A couple things I realized is that: 1.) you need at least two people at this point to give him a bath and 2.) I don't need to put as much water as I did in the baby tub.  I am new at this whole mom thing...... hopefully this will get better with practice!  Here are some pictures for your enjoyment....

Our cutie!
 Bath Time!
 Maybe not his favorite time of the day yet!
 Meeting the Greenes.... Ashley, Chris, and Cutter
 ....and Maverick Greene
 Burke is confused.... he is using Zander's Boppy as his Bed! ;)

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