Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Our Alexander

Today it was announced the new prince's name.  Basically, I have been obsessed with the royal family since Prince William was a cute little boy.  I always had the hope that somehow I would meet and marry the handsome prince one day.  Well....that didn't happen.  But, I have fallen in love with the royal couple.  I have watched the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton multiple times.  I was so excited to hear they were expecting their first child the same year we were.  Fast forward to July 22, 2013 and Kate gives birth to a baby boy.  I immediately talk to my best friend, Liz, commenting on how the new prince is the same gender as our newborns! We can't wait to hear the name!  Now something you may not know is that Zack was very specific about not wanting our boy to have one of the top 10 most popular boys' names of the year.  We checked multiple websites to determine Alexander's popularity for a name.  We knew we wanted a strong name that had a positive meaning (protector of mankind), and Zack had always loved the name Alexander or Alexandra.  So we chose Alexander back in November when we knew we were having a boy.  We loved that we could nickname him Zander so he had a Z name like his daddy.  We also liked that he can choose to be called Alexander or Alex etc. when he is older if he doesn't prefer Zander (although he looks too much like a Zander might have to stick!). Today they announced the third in line to the throne's name and it is George Alexander Zander might have other Alexanders in his graduating class one day....only time will tell how popular these names will become.  For now, our Zander is royalty to us just like any baby is to their parents....I continue to be excited for William and Kate as they are discovering what it means to be a parent for the first time just like the Houstons!  I am just glad I was not photographed the day after giving birth for all the world to see.  Kate deserves the royal treatment!;)

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