Saturday, January 16, 2016

Children's Museum Fun!

We had a really fun week!! We went to dinner with one of my best friends, Kelly.  I got to have dinner with another close friend.... just the two of us mommies on another night.  Finally, I took my boys to the local children's museum on Friday.  I am trying to do some fun outings with both boys before I head back to work in two weeks.  It is fun to take them places during the week when it is not as crowded.  It also is great practice for me trying to get both boys out the door and plan for while we are away from home.  We ate lunches I packed while at the museum, and I was even able to nurse Maddox while Zander was enjoying story time!  It was so much fun to throw "snowballs" with Zander and or purchase "groceries" at the store that the museum has set up.  It was equally enjoyable to watch Maddox take a morning nap while we were out and about.  The boys did an awesome job!  Here are some pictures from our week! 

Zander is in the background in the picture above trying to find a book to read while I change his brother's diaper after story time.

Very smart kid...... he couldn't reach to climb in the outdoor play area so he moved a block over to help him out!

Burke could lay anywhere in our house.... but usually prefers cuddling up in one of the boys' blankets!

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