Sunday, October 22, 2017

Maddox Turns TWO!

My Sweet Maddox,
I cannot believe you are turning two!  It seems like just yesterday that I was holding your tiny 8 pound body and enjoying all those newborn cuddles you were giving me (day and night!)  While I miss those precious days (of little sleep and many hours holding you), I am enjoying this stage of life as well.  You are running everywhere you go now!  You love trying to put on your socks and shoes so you can chase after your brother and do exactly what he is doing.  You are definitely his shadow at this point.  You watch his every move and try to mimic things (good and bad!)  I absolutely love your smile and your hugs.  I love the way you say "book" or "bible" and rush to bring me whichever one you are talking about so we can read it.  You are a great sharer.... if your brother wants something you are playing with, you give it without hesitation.  You are rough and tumble.... you will hurt yourself on the regular and quickly get back up to do it again!  You rarely cry when you are hurt.  You usually cry when you want your mommy or aren't getting your way.  You love to dance and I will never forget you trying to sing happy birthday at your party while everyone was singing to you.  You love anything that bounces or rolls.  You could play with a ball or a car/truck for hours.  You like to eat a lot of things.... especially things that are not edible.... like crayons.  I am hopeful we can break you of this habit because I have to keep crayons and other inedible objects out of your reach. You have the biggest support system.... your family and friends love you so much!   We enjoyed 70+ degree weather at your birthday party and even made a visit to our local fire station at the end of the party so you could see the inside of a firetruck, watch the firefighters turn on the lights and take home your very own fireman hat.  I pray that you always feel as excited about life as you do at this point.  I pray that you come to understand the love of your family and friends and know that there is a God that loves you more that all of us combined.  I pray that you continue to be strong and courageous but never forget that your mommy and daddy will be nearby should you ever need us.  We are your biggest fans and can't wait to see what you will do next!  Love you, MadMan!

 And with the cars added.....

These pictures make me smile so much!  Luke and Seph came right over to join the pictures with PawPaw and Granny V!

 Loving our newest member to our crew..... Sophie! (not even four weeks old!)

And some pictures from our week.... Loving our fall "decor"!  Maddox turns two and Zander turns 4.5 the same week!! We had to document pictures of both our boys!  The boys continue to love reading in the mornings and evenings! I love it when daddy joins in the fun!  Zander now likes salad (which makes me so happy!) And we got to grab dinner one night with my whole family! That is always a treat!

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