Sunday, October 8, 2017

Quick Post :)

Just wanted to write about our week.... it's been a busy one at work for Zack and me.... meaning not much to document on here!  This weekend has been rather busy as well.... but for really fun reasons!  Zander went to a birthday party yesterday for a friend from school.  It was a "My Little Pony" themed party but he joined right in... making bracelets, getting tattoos and taking a stab out of getting the candy out of the pink pinata.  He was outnumbered by all the girls at the party but I was so proud of my little guy.... waiting to go last to swing at the pinata and letting all the girls go first to get the candy! I have noticed things are quite different if you have a girl compared to my rough and tumble boys! haha

The boys love our church.... it is so fun to see them get excited about walking into the building.  I can't believe how big Maddox is getting.... I am in denial that he will be two in a couple weeks!
Zander loved carrying his Operation Christmas Child box home today so he can start to fill it up with toys and necessities for a child in need.  He also got to help lead the worship music in Kid's Street (which is our children's church).  He signed up for that "area of service" so it was so fun to have our children's pastor send us a picture of him on stage while we were helping in one of the nursery classes downstairs.

This afternoon we had a birthday party for another friend, and this one was a costume party! The boys loved wearing Zander's old costumes and playing with friends for the afternoon.

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