Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thankful in 2020!

This has been the craziest year but as I sit and reflect on all that has happened this year, I know we are truly blessed... blessed to have our jobs, our homes, our health, our finances, our opportunities, our families, our friends, our education, additional time with the kids ...... the list goes on!  So here are some pictures from our last week where I can't help but be thankful for the time I've been given with my boys and our other family members that live nearby.  I pray I don't take this crazy time for granted!

I got to see my grandma in her apartment (for only the second time since March) on Thanksgiving.  I wore my mask the whole time and was at least 6 feet away from her throughout our visit but I enjoyed catching up with her.  It is such a blessing that she lives right down the street!

On Thanksgiving Day, we enjoyed a relaxing day at the house.  It was somewhat drizzling all day so we managed to have a wet hike/exploration at a nearby park to get our wiggles out!  I made pizza for dinner so it was definitely not the traditional Thanksgiving feast but we enjoyed our day with our little family of five (including Burke)!  Thankful for our home as a safe place to rest and the food that was provided even if it wasn't elaborate! ;)
Zander has shown a new love for drawing and writing.  He is making a book about sharks, after reading about them in one of his favorite books!  I loved watching him spend hours writing and drawing about these sea creatures!  I love that he loves learning and pray that continues!

My boys discovered that they can play FOR HOURS outside in our backyard without injuring themselves or each other!  I wondered if this day would ever come and I was blessed to watch them from the inside of the house while they explored and played together in our fenced in backyard.... thankful for brothers.... the great outdoors, their imagination, and a little bit of quiet inside! ;)
We zoomed with Zack's family on Thanksgiving night since we couldn't see them in person!  It was great catching up with our loved ones that we typically see on Thanksgiving!  We are hopeful that next year we can be in person, handing out hugs and sharing a meal around the same table!
Our boys discovered the game Battleship over Thanksgiving Break..... the four of us loved playing this together!  I think mommy and daddy had a competitive side that the kids didn't possess yet when it comes to this game! ;)
While daddy worked on Friday, I took the boys bowling.  Maddox has asked about this since last Christmas when we went as a family..... not sure if any of these establishments will be closing in the upcoming weeks due to rising Covid numbers, I wanted to make sure he was able to have his bowling dreams come true!  We had the place to ourselves and loved every minute of it!  Grammy and Grandpa even stopped by to check on our bowlers!  Next time, we need to take daddy with us!  I'm so thankful for outings with these boys!
Here are some of the things the boys had on our "thankful" list this year!  I always love hearing what they have to add to the list!
We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house on Saturday like we typically do with my side of the family.  Since we have a small family and we continue to be together each week, we felt that it was safe to continue with our Thanksgiving traditions.  Since Thanksgiving was the last holiday I was able to spend with my grandpa last year, I am glad Grandma made the trip over to the house to see the kids!  We kept our distance (other than having the kids pose for a quick picture to document the occasion).  Zack deep fried a turkey again which was delicious and the Bakewell girls put all the sides together to make the meal complete.... I would say that Thanksgiving 2020 was a success!  Now the boys are counting down to Jesus' birthday and when Santa comes to town! ;)

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